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Heya everyone!

An update on the situation. Really wanted the rewards to be released yesterday and i really would have! (`o´)ゞBut working with Japanese seiyuus is proving challenging. I was supposed to get the final voice 2 days back on the second part, but turns out she dint understand any of the instructions i gave (although she said she did ( ̄ω ̄) ) . I asked her for another retake, but it wasn't getting anywhere since she also needs to book slots at a studio to do her recording which doesn't seem available easily. So, i've hired a different voice actor again and i'll release the rewards the beginning of the coming week hopefully!

I really appreciate your patience! I always want the best for you allヽ(*≧л≦)ノ!💜




Can't wait for this amazing work to be released. My boner is eagerly waiting. Keep it up.


Ouch that eula voice was spot on too But i can wait. May i ask who the new va is?


Pretty much. But, i have confidence in @Maria since i've already worked with her


Very nice work(≧∇≦)