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Heyy everyone!

Marin is here and its her first time!! (And she decided to go bareback ´ ꒳`)/ )

I thought i will release it in parts since there's more shots that need animating and, the game i was planning on releasing this month has just a bit more programming work left (Totally unanticipated!) But its super close to the finish line and you guys will get to play it veryy soon!.

So here's marin being a cutie. I really like how this one turned out since i went for a cute pose too. Hope you guys enjoy!

This is not an april fools thing btw. So no worries i am not THAT evil, there is an actual juicy animation waiting ¬ w ¬

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Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lFio0sqmVwr5l-adrgPPhUhJEBQ9_5Mb?usp=sharing

Cheerss~ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧



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