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# INFO :

CRJ Sound Mod For MSFS 2020 Made with Wwise Studio

Video Demo 

# What's inside ? :

  • GE CF34 Engine sounds
  • Cockpit Avionics sounds , Power Bus , Fans
  • Weather effects : Wind , Rain 
  • L-Gear sounds : Roll , Door , Wind Drag

# What's New ? :

v1.12 (14/Dec/2021)

  • Disable Gyro sound
  • Replaced Engines Low Spool Sounds
  • Enabled Hydraulic Pump sound ( Start with Both Engines Running )

v1.11 (17/Nov/2021)

v1.1 (08/Sep/2021)

# Available Links :


Older Releases :



# Notes :

1/ - How To Manually Update the Layout.json file : Tutorial 

2/ - A Request to change the "switching" sounds was started but it will take a bit more time to finish




After CRJ sound Mod installation, aircraft is not visible on MSFS. Do i have to place sound files in both aircraft editions ( 550 & 700) ? -Update: Placed sound files in both editions and still its not working. Thanks


Aircraft not showing = something wrong on the "layout.json" file or it is missing - did you use the "MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe" ? if the issue still exist ! 1/ restore the Default "layout.json" from your backup copy 2/ open the "layout.json" with a ".txt" editor and Paste this entry below "content": [ { "path": "SimObjects/Airplanes/Aerosoft_CRJ_550/sound/CRJ_SP.PC.pck", "size": 113187139, "date": 132684342887981342 },


Not working for me either, same issue.


It worked for me just fine.


This is updated layout.json file. Is it normal to have Aerosoft default sound + Ftsim sound entries? { "path": "SimObjects/Airplanes/Aerosoft_CRJ_550/sound/Aerosoft_CRJ.PC.PCK", "size": 59296300, "date": 132674513919150775 }, { "path": "SimObjects/Airplanes/Aerosoft_CRJ_550/sound/CRJ_SP.PC.pck", "size": 154871626, "date": 132689554064949649 }, { "path": "SimObjects/Airplanes/Aerosoft_CRJ_550/sound/desktop.ini", "size": 46, "date": 132674513872413887 }, { "path": "SimObjects/Airplanes/Aerosoft_CRJ_550/sound/sound.xml", "size": 41553, "date": 132689556180756820


Figured it out. The MSFS marketplace files have something wrong or missing. I purchased from Aerosoft, and there was an extra file in the sound folders. Installed per instructions above and voila. Never buying another aircraft addon within MSFS...


So you bought 2 times CRJ? this is ultra weird issue as Aerosoft sent the same files to Market place.


Just checked Aerosoft forum: https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/161943-add-soundxml-file-in-the-msfs-store-version/&tab=comments#comment-1030981


Sorry for delay , Can mention the names of the ".fsarchive" files ? ( found inside : \aerosoft-crj\SimObjects ) menwhile try this : - Make a bakup of the Aircraft folder ( make a copy or add to zip file ) - remove the ".fsarchive" file that have the smallest size - extract and paste those files https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ncoDD9GLH5QqvMJNjdNPrBdiyHTzUeYs/view?usp=sharing - update the layout file again with the ".exe" tool >> if the aircraft not showing try to remove the next smallest ".fsarchive" file & update again !! Still nothing then will buy again the Package from the marketplace


Thanks for your support. Here is a quote regarding this issue from Aerosoft/CRJ forum: "Ok let me help. When you buy ANYTHING from the market place, they add a DRM layer on top of the standard files. This is downloaded to your computer in an encrypted format. When you call the add on into the sim (like choosing to fly the CRJ) the files are decrypted by the sim and things run. When you buy direct from the publisher/developer, you will get the files in the manner in which they intend you to get them. In the case of AS, you get the unencrypted files. If someone makes a mod (authorized or not) and you install it, you are doing so at your own risk and responsibility to trouble shoot. This can include liveries too as many that can be found will cause problems with add on planes. This sound mod being spoke of, was it shown to work with the update that Asobo just pushed out? That is one thought. For anything deeper you must go to the source, either Asobo for market place purchases or whoever made the sound files. "


i notice that on the Carenado , though this "Encryption" stuff is added only for the Asobo Legacy aircrafts . But if you tried the files above and still not working then will have to rework the sounds it to be like the B787 version ( Stand Alone )


Hi, I put in the sounds and used the layout generator. I deleted the Aerosoft sounds and put in yours in the aircraft folder along with the xml. Even though the plane shows up in sim when loading it up there are no sounds in sim. I have cross checked that the entries for CRJ_SP_PC.pck are in layout.json, and they are. Any solutions? Update: Restarted my computer and sounds are working, but inly engines/gyros. No switch/knob/warning sounds. Is this right? If these are not included in the sound pack, are we supposed to keep in the original AEROSOFT_CRJ.PC.pck in the sound folders?


this sound mod require the default Aerosoft sounds to work , just restore the "Aerosoft_CRJ.PC.PCK" file then it will be fixed


A New install format will be added soon and it will work fine with both "marketplace" and "Aerosoft Store" versions .


Can you make the hydralic sound louder in the cabin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaCjrI3ejZU&t=106s


Didn't add any Hydraulic sounds yet for the CRJ , soon will do


It appears that the CRJ sounds downloads are corrupted. Can you guys look into this? No issues with the other downloads.


- Maybe wrong Password ? or "Space" added ? : "MFSiM-Sounds" ( Copy & Paste without quotes ) - Try Using a diffirent Archiver Program like "Bandizip" or "7zip"


I absolutely LOVE these new sounds! The aircraft feels so much more real. Would it be possible to increase the ground roll sounds a bit? Every CRJ I've ever ridden in sounds like a box of loose bolts lol. That's my only real suggestion!


of course 😊 , will add other Cabin ground Roll samples


So I downloaded the file and followed the instructions but not sure if I did something wrong so maybe you can help: 1) when the aircraft is running, the air makes almost a constant rattle-like sound. As if some paper or steamer is attached to the fan blowing in the wind… is that normal/intended? 2) I have no flap sounds… the just extend/retract silently. Let me know what you think when you get a chance. Thanks!


1/ Can record a short Demo video showing the issue ? 2/ No Flaps deploy sound are added yet but the original are not disabled !


Hi could you please work on removing the engine sounds as the wind sounds pick up after 10,000 or acceleration? They are still audible in cruise. This is present in most of your XP11 soundpacks


The same effect it is also enabled here on the CRJ , you can hear the difference better when Passing "Mach 0.7" or 400 Knots in True Airspeed/Ground Speed


In my opinion, yes such that the volume of the engines "decreases" or drowns out after crossing 250 KIAS. I recorded a video here: https://youtu.be/JOqNz3nZ1yE. You can see my TAS is above 400 yet we can still hear the "buzz" of the engines in the background. When I increase/decrease the throttle so does the buzz which is audible. It would be great if you could work on this! Reall enjoying your soundpack until now


Hi everyone. I´m new here


Yous say "drag and drop the layout.json into the MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe. How to do that ? If i run the MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe, i can´t drop the layout.json in it? I´m a bit lost at the point. Thanks in advance for the support.


Did you watch the video tutorial ? : https://youtu.be/H5JFkWLziwE


I think you should do one more understadable......For beginner user the video goes to quick. Also i´ve tried to join your discord. How we do that .I´m connected through patreon and what should i do more ? Thanks.


I have the same problem Mark Proust has with the constant clicking noise. Here is a video clip: https://youtu.be/PAQvLNDe4nM


it is the Gyro noise 🧭 , Was Noted on the "INFO.txt" file for how to disable it if you want 👇 ==================== 4. NOTES ==================== 1/ To Disable the "Gyro" noises : - Open the "sound.xml" with ".txt" editor - Delete this Parameter ( Lines n°212 ... 214 ) Sound WwiseData="true" WwiseEvent="CGyro" Continuous="false" NodeName="ASCRJ_PFDC_BRT" ........... > Range LowerBound="24" /> /Sound>


Are you planning to do switch sounds for the CRJ? The aerosoft ones are terrible :D Otherwise very good soundpack!


I have no sound whatsoever and I followed the video exactly. password was copy pasted directly from this page with no quotes


No sound in Both CRJ 500 and 700 ? 1️⃣ After install you must find those 3 files - sound.xml - Aerosoft_CRJ.PC.PCK -CRJ_SP.PC.pck inside : "CRJ_SP\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft_CRJ_550\sound" and inside : "CRJ_SP\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft_CRJ_700\sound" 2️⃣ Did you rename both "sound" folders that are found inside : ...\\Aerosoft-crj\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft_CRJ_550 ...\\Aerosoft-crj\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft_CRJ_700 Exp : the "sound" folder is renamed to "sound.1" 3️⃣ is the Aerosoft_crj "layout.json" file is updated correctly using "build.py" or "MSFSLayoutGenerator" 💡 to check if the layout file is updated or not ! a) open the "layout.json" file with a ".txt" editor b) look for the new name of the "sound" folder ( Exp : "sound.1" ) If it is found then the "layout.json" file is updated ✅


Really incredible package, makes the CRJ so much more enjoyable and realistic.. Only problem is there is no sound when the mains touchdown, just silent. Any plans on adding in a touchdown sound?


Loving this one, adds an incredible amount of value to the aircraft! One thing I've noticed: When in wingview, the startup sounds are fixed to their respective side, meaning: Looking at the left wing from the cabin while starting engine no 2 results in the startup sound playing from the right speaker, so the sound comes from the front of the cabin. Same for no 1 on the left speaker. Is that something you can refine? :)


will reduce the Settings value of "3D Panning" effect , i thinks it is the main issue 👉 "3D Panning" effect is a Parameter that help mix the "Left" and the "Right" sound channels , ("High Settings" Example : when you look left you will hear the "Left" sounds louder and the "Right" sounds will be muted )


Really love the immersion factor with this new sound pack. Makes the CRJ so much more realistic!


900/1000 expansion just released. @FTSim+ can you please check the compatibility from your side?


I did some testing tonight and the current sound pack is definitely not compatible :(




Thank you so much!! These new sounds are phenomenal!!


As always great work from you, thank you very much!


Thanks! Just a quick question about removal of the Gyro noises... I don't see the old parameter in this xml file, but I do see this new parameter: at lines 178-180 (tried to include it, but it won't let me) Should I remove this to remove the Gyro noises? Or, have the gyro noises been updated/reduced and this string should be kept? I'll keep it for now till you can confirm. Thx again :)


Thanks for the update. Quick question: if i have the 1.1 version do i have to follow the whole installation process again ?


The Gyro noises was reduced a bit , but You can disable it completely by removing this Parameter ( Lines n°178 ... 180 ) 👇 Sound WwiseData="true" WwiseEvent="CGyro" ..... Range LowerBound="20" /> Sound>


I think the gyro is still to loud and what about callouts? They are too quite. ;)


There is no Sound.xml in 700/900/1000. Folders are just empty


Hi , did you follow the instruction inside "INFO.pdf" ?


Hey Guys, great work on the CRJ900/1000 - couple of suggestions: - Be cool if there was a "recirc fan" sound, and internal sounds from hyd pumps. - Also, the initial spool on ground from idle -taxi thrust seems too loud/sounds like takeoff buzzsaw - this should be more of a low freq drone I think? Great job though :)


Here is a video showing what I mean during the taxi and takeoff - https://youtu.be/uxinv2fhNJg


The gyro lines that need to be deleted are not clear at all. What exactly do we delete? The "....." could mean several things. What do we do about the spaces left over?


New update almost ready and The Gyro sounds will be removed


Will You do some upgrade in future? I see some issues here ;) Flaps in my opinion are too loud, in real it is very quiet. Spoilers lever is heard in wingview, it shouldn't. Spool sounds should be louder, gyro is too loud. I saw You did some new version for Xplane with new sounds for it. Will You do it here too? :) Thx


The cockpit Levers/switches sounds are the Default ones from Aerosoft ( currently trying to include new ones on the sound Mod ) On the latest update (v1.12) - Flaps sounds are reduced - Spool sounds ( Not Buzz-saw) are a bit louder on takeoff


Engine tweaks are amazing! One question: Have you tried lowering the "3D Panning" effect value for the startup sounds yet? You once said this could solve the sounds only playing on the respective L/R speaker. If you tried already, it didn't seem to help unfortunately.


Yes the values was reduced for all Sounds , is your problem only on the Startup ?


This update is absolutely magnificent


I am not entirely sure what I did wrong, I have followed 100% but my aircraft no longer show up!


MarketPlace version ? - Try only to rename the Aerosoft sound folders and copy the ".PCK" file ( no need to update the "layout" file ) Aerosoft shop version ? - Try updating again the "layout" file using a different method ( shown on the "INFO.pdf" )


With the new update I seem to no longer be getting Flap Sounds. I'm not really sure why. We're they turned down to barely audible, or is it an issue with the sound pack?


interior Flaps Noises are reduced on the latest update ( Was too loud ) , Now it only can be heard clearly on the Wing View


is there an updated install instruction on how to install the sound if you have the market place version. I did all of the steps and no sound


doing what is asked to do in your instruction file and therfore the plane doesn't show in the sim


The aircraft dissapears once installed (done as per instructions) and have to reinstall in the content manager, This pack wont work succesfully for me.


is there an easy way to install these sound files? It seems a bit complicated for someone who isn't familiar with code..


Its not working? Im pretty sure i installed it correctly. NEVERMIND works now! Sounds amazing! Good job!


I'm only getting mod sounds for the 550. I've been through the steps several times with no luck.


I figured it out I missed understood a step. Awesome sound by the way.


After I installed the sound pack I have been unable to hear any of the sounds that the switches make