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# INFO :

  • B767 Sound Addon For x-plane 11/12

# What's inside :

  • RR,GE & PW engine sounds
  • Weather effects : Rain ,Thunder & Wind sounds
  • Dynamics effects : Hydraulic / Fuel Pumps , Ext Packs , L-Gear sounds ..
  • Cockpit & cabin effect : Systems , Packs , ATC
  • Configuration for 200/300 and freighter models
  • Alternative Alert & Caution sounds

# What's New ?

v1.77 (22/Oct/2023)

  • Minor fix : Disabled Exterior Env sounds from playing on the interior view 

v1.76 (07/Dec/2022)

Config (29/Jul/2022)


# Download Links :



Older Releases




# Notes :


FB767_Sp (RR/GE/PW)

Boieng 767 sound Pack for x-Plane 11 made with Fmod studio Availble for FFactor Package https://x-plane-sounds.blogspot.com



The sounds for XP12 do not work


xp12 sounds work decently, but getting no pack sounds, and the default environment sounds are way too loud. Probably best to move any system sounds off of the environment bus.


I am getting some pack sounds in the cockpit but they are quiet. And nothing in the cabin regardless of the volume knobs per the info sheet. As well as no thump thud or rattle on the takeoff or landing.


Can we get these updated to work w/ xp12 and version 1.6.9 + of the aircraft?


Hey there, the same bug that the A321 had where the exterior environment sounds are inside of the cockpit as well as outside is here in X-Plane 12, can we get a fix please?


I did download the latest XP12 1.76 Version and now I hear the outside environment noise like trucks and traffic inside the cockpit and cabin. Why is this??? Pls help!


Sorry, but V1.77 still have outside sounds inside cockpit. Maybe I am doing something wrong


Hello, V1.77 does not appear to be working (no sounds). Can you please double check? Thanks!


I have also had issues with the new version. I am unable to hear any cockpit fans, aircond, systems and or avionics.


Is this pack for the whole range including the -400ER


Now I'm looking forward to this. Thank you


Omg its 2am, have to wait till tomorrow lol


Sounds amazing! Thanks :)


Great job ! One thing I noticed, engine sounds are too quiet on approach. Engine volumes adjusted all the way to the right. Thank you, best regards, C.Longo


possible to make the GE louder on takeoff, very quiet


thanks for the release also btw in the back cabin i think i can hear your mic touching something as there's a strange noise

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:23 Most of the work is gone for engines sounds in this first release . >> Another version will be uploaded soon , in the meanwhile still noting your feedback .
2020-03-12 23:39:56 Most of the work is gone for engines sounds in this first release . >> Another version will be uploaded soon , in the meanwhile still noting your feedback .

Most of the work is gone for engines sounds in this first release . >> Another version will be uploaded soon , in the meanwhile still noting your feedback .


I am getting some popping/sweeping noises coming from what I think are the avionics fans every few seconds. Are you able to replicate this issue on your end?


those i think are the FFactor ones , to make sure mute the "User interface" volume and test : if still there !! mean those from FFactor , if not ? it means the sounds from the Fmod and then will have to check them out

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:23 PS !! : Forget to add how to disable the Default FFactor engine sounds . >> Just relocate or Remove the folders "767GE","767PW" & "767RR" from \\sounds\engine\
2020-03-13 10:34:02 PS !! : Forget to add how to disable the Default FFactor engine sounds . >> Just relocate or Remove the folders "767GE","767PW" & "767RR" from \\sounds\engine\

PS !! : Forget to add how to disable the Default FFactor engine sounds . >> Just relocate or Remove the folders "767GE","767PW" & "767RR" from \\sounds\engine\


I agree the GE are a bit quite and could use some more bass too


I can't hear any of the switches. This includes: radios and lights. I see you have sounds for switches and rotary switches so I don't know why they are not working. Also, when moving the flap lever, there is no sound at all. I know you should not hear the flaps, but there should be some sound.


After disabling/removing the FF sounds, it looks like it is still there. It is definitely coming from the packs somewhere as it isn't heard with the packs off.


In the sound/engines folder of the downloaded archive there are actually no 767GE, 767PW, or 767RR folders, but 757 folders. Please check it.


edit the FFactor volume using the Tablet , (switches not made in Fmod)


Yes i know , it was mixed with FF757 but it do not affect anything . now in v1.51 is removed


Fixed !! , it was in the FFactor Packs sound files ( the new muted ones)


Hi, I was trying to install the sounds I already moved out the 767GE,PW and RR folders from sound/engines and then I placed the fmod and sounds from the zip file to Sound/engines as the info.png says... but I don't have Engine sounds... please help me


thanks for your improvements GE are now alot better in v1.51. However I liked PW more in the previous version. Now its kind of more quite and you don't hear its characteristic buzz that much. I do like the flap sounds though.

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:23 No!! , Place the "fmod & sounds" inside the B767 directory means : like \Aircraft\Boeing767-Extended\
2020-03-15 14:47:32 No!! , Place the "fmod & sounds" inside the B767 directory means : like \Aircraft\Boeing767-Extended\

No!! , Place the "fmod & sounds" inside the B767 directory means : like \Aircraft\Boeing767-Extended\


the PW ? its the same , just adjusted the Pitch of all sounds and re edited the exhaust. PS !! : The 767-300 model has more Roar than the 200 ( Power Thrust limited )


Thanks for your reply. I should do more thorough comparisons. Anyways its thousand times better than the default sounds :)


Loving the sounds! but for some reason I can't seem to hear the flaps even tho I have most of the volumes on high

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:23 Test flight: Things that are awesome: * The engine sounds are incredible. Not sure why people find them overly quiet. I think they're accurately loud. * Cockpit environment and click sounds are genuinely rich. Great work in general. * Cabin crew announcements are something I've always wanted on this bird. Things that seemed bugged: * ATC, & Custom Weather features doesn't seem to work. Perhaps installed or setup incorrectly, but all instructions were followed. * MCP switch too loud * Buttons flipped through several options quickly only make 1 sound instead of as many sounds as options that were flipped through. Ie. a 3 way switch going from 1-2-3 clicks 3 times, but flipping it quickly from 1 to 3 only produces 1 click when it should produce 2 fast flicks. * Overspeed, AT disco and AP disco are, perhaps 3-4x quieter than they should be.
2020-03-17 03:55:15 Test flight: Things that are awesome: * The engine sounds are incredible. Not sure why people find them overly quiet. I think they're accurately loud. * Cockpit environment and click sounds are genuinely rich. Great work in general. * Cabin crew announcements are something I've always wanted on this bird. Things that seemed bugged: * ATC, & Custom Weather features doesn't seem to work. Perhaps installed or setup incorrectly, but all instructions were followed. * MCP switch too loud * Buttons flipped through several options quickly only make 1 sound instead of as many sounds as options that were flipped through. Ie. a 3 way switch going from 1-2-3 clicks 3 times, but flipping it quickly from 1 to 3 only produces 1 click when it should produce 2 fast flicks. * Overspeed, AT disco and AP disco are, perhaps 3-4x quieter than they should be.

Test flight: Things that are awesome: * The engine sounds are incredible. Not sure why people find them overly quiet. I think they're accurately loud. * Cockpit environment and click sounds are genuinely rich. Great work in general. * Cabin crew announcements are something I've always wanted on this bird. Things that seemed bugged: * ATC, & Custom Weather features doesn't seem to work. Perhaps installed or setup incorrectly, but all instructions were followed. * MCP switch too loud * Buttons flipped through several options quickly only make 1 sound instead of as many sounds as options that were flipped through. Ie. a 3 way switch going from 1-2-3 clicks 3 times, but flipping it quickly from 1 to 3 only produces 1 click when it should produce 2 fast flicks. * Overspeed, AT disco and AP disco are, perhaps 3-4x quieter than they should be.


Lovely soundpack! Probably my favorite.

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:23 (^_^) , Thanks for great FeedBack , - ATC : Put the Right frequ then switch on the transponder & check the Small Rotary Volume knob "VHF-R" ( Still no ATC ? try to switch off/on transponder) - Switches are not made in fmod yet , Those are just new samples to replace the Default FFactor's . you can reduce their volume using the PAD and this also be for the Warning sounds
2020-03-18 23:42:45 (^_^) , Thanks for great FeedBack , - ATC : Put the Right frequ then switch on the transponder & check the Small Rotary Volume knob "VHF-R" ( Still no ATC ? try to switch off/on transponder) - Switches are not made in fmod yet , Those are just new samples to replace the Default FFactor's . you can reduce their volume using the PAD and this also be for the Warning sounds

(^_^) , Thanks for great FeedBack , - ATC : Put the Right frequ then switch on the transponder & check the Small Rotary Volume knob "VHF-R" ( Still no ATC ? try to switch off/on transponder) - Switches are not made in fmod yet , Those are just new samples to replace the Default FFactor's . you can reduce their volume using the PAD and this also be for the Warning sounds


Thanks but I am still getting the popping noises. After updating the sound pack some of them went away, but it starts up as soon as I takeoff (coming from the wind or something). I have a pretty powerful system and I ran a Latency check to see if my PC is being overloaded somewhere, but it passed that test. Interestingly enough I don't have these sound issues with the 757 soundpack though.


Sounds amazing! Not sure if its just me but I'm getting no higher 50% throttle sound during replay. Is there a fix?


my switch sounds...... just stopped working during cruise :(


the sounds are just AWESOME :D


check the volumes in FFactor Pad ( Switches not made in FMod )


Lol , Never tried to replay Before , will make a test and look for the Problem


Hi FTSim+, i tested this Soundpack yesterday, i loaded the B767 with engines running (GE) and spooled them up in stand to hear that new sound, its very good but also i noticed the first sound bug, the alert sound (parkbrake was set and no flaps) at full thrust sounded like the trimwheel from a 737. Its not an alert as it should be.


Hi, after deleting the folders 767GE, 767PW, 767RR, there are a lot of errors in the logs.txt file due to the lack of sound files. And the logs.txt file weighs gigabytes after that.


OhWee !! ... use the Muted sound files "attached" above , you can restore the default FF engine sounds than overwrite them or just use it directly.

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:22 Hi , Warning sounds are not made in Fmod only some nice alternative are added for "Fire" alarm , Master caution & Master warning ( you can restore the originals from you backup to : FFB767\sounds\warnings\ )
2020-03-24 06:13:42 Hi , Warning sounds are not made in Fmod only some nice alternative are added for "Fire" alarm , Master caution & Master warning ( you can restore the originals from you backup to : FFB767\sounds\warnings\ )

Hi , Warning sounds are not made in Fmod only some nice alternative are added for "Fire" alarm , Master caution & Master warning ( you can restore the originals from you backup to : FFB767\sounds\warnings\ )


Can you pleaseeeee make an installer!!


of course , i'll make a few fixing and uploaded the both versions


I'm hearing the beginning of the start-up sounds, but then it seems to cut off completely from the cabin... then gradually I'm hearing engine sounds.


i'll check it out , i think too much filtering added on the cabin side , also will adjust more the idle sounds ( Thanks )


I'd second the request for a louder autopilot disconnect sound or quieter soundpack. Even with warning and overall sounds set to max in the menu it is way too quiet. This applies both to the 767 and 757

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:22 https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=5321063
2020-03-27 22:55:02 https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=5321063



My problem is that after installing according to the instructions, the volume is very small and cannot be adjusted, I don't even know if it is installed correctly. I would like to provide a more detailed and accurate installation instructions?


adjust the volumes using x-Plane sliders not FFactor tablet ( look at the Pictures inside the Pack )


Yes, I just turned the sliders in the volume settings of XP to the maximum, but the sound is still very small, especially the sound of the engine.


Well, in general, the sound is still very good, especially the sound of the weather is much better than the default, I just suggest whether to consider turning up the volume of the engine slightly?

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:21 You can modifie x-Plane volume slider to achieve the best result : Exp : to have louder interior ! > reduce the exterior and Environmental and add more System volume
2020-04-04 06:51:13 You can modifie x-Plane volume slider to achieve the best result : Exp : to have louder interior ! > reduce the exterior and Environmental and add more System volume

You can modifie x-Plane volume slider to achieve the best result : Exp : to have louder interior ! > reduce the exterior and Environmental and add more System volume


Okay, I try to adjust it myself to get the best results, thank you!


Hey. Thank you for another great sound pack, but can only choose GE, with engines shut down not possible to change to PW, RR engines. Deletede the 3 sound folders 767.. and put the Sound file in the aircraft directory and owercrite and moved the fmod to the aircraft folder.


to change to PW or RR : - Open the FFactor "Pad" - open the "Front door" and "Unload the Aircraft" - wait t'ill unload is complete then you can change to PW or RR


Thank you 😊👍


Brilliant sound set thank you. As a wide-body pilot myself, one of the things I notice is a lack of engine "rumble" as they throttle back at altitude during descent. This can especially be observed in the passenger cabin, and I would love it if you could add it :) Thanks!


I just wanted to ask a question, I can certainly understand why you would want to mute the ATC, I fly with Pilot 2 ATC myself so I like that. But, why would you want to disable the FMOD PA? Wouldn't the FMOD PA be of better quality?

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:21 1/ -The PA is Enabled by Default , and you have the option to disable it 2/- If you want to Disable the ATC and Keep the PA ? : > Just reduce the ATC Volume using the "VHF-R" Knob
2020-04-15 15:20:54 1/ -The PA is Enabled by Default , and you have the option to disable it 2/- If you want to Disable the ATC and Keep the PA ? : > Just reduce the ATC Volume using the "VHF-R" Knob

1/ -The PA is Enabled by Default , and you have the option to disable it 2/- If you want to Disable the ATC and Keep the PA ? : > Just reduce the ATC Volume using the "VHF-R" Knob


Currently working on a new script for the PA sound effect , if it works fine will add many sounds


I have a popping sound in the cockpit that appears to be connected with the engine thrust. On startup it was there the entire time until descent. When the plane throttled back for descent and went to idle the popping would go away but anytime after that when the throttle was increased the popping came back. It does not get louder or softer.


One other quick point of feedback. I find the engine start sounds tend to cut out to virtually silent after reaching idling, especially in the cabin. Real world, the idling sound is a lot more pronounced. I'm loving this sound set though :)


hi. thanks for updating. would u recommand check option of No FF for realism?


v1.6 is great really love the GE roar now :)


Only if you get annoyed by FFactor sounds , but for me !! i always disable them


RR when idle descend in external camera has no sound


Very nice sound pack! Just three issues. 1) In cruise and descent, the engine sounds from the external view are extremely quiet. 2) At top of descent, I don't hear the engines roll back to idle even though I'm seeing the throttle rolling back, so it still sounds like I'm at cruise speeds. 3) The cabin air con sounds are a bit loud in the cockpit and come on even when I have the packs set to off with no ACU.


will fix the RR next time , i only done most of the work on the GE and PW


Exterior will be adjusted and cruise effect will be resuced , and you can reduce the Cabin cooling effect using the overhead Packs Temperature knobs ( or maybe it's the wind sounds you hear ? )


I will give it a shot. It sounds like air running through the system because when I killing the battery, it goes away. Looking forward to the update!


Update: Re the interior sound. I should have specified the cockpit and not the cabin. It's the sudden fan noise I hear once the aircraft receives power from either the APU or GPU when packs are still off. Is it supposed to be that loud?


The Avionic Fans ! , it supposed to be much louder , try to Reduce the "User interface" volume .

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:20 Fantastic soundpack! I honestly didn't use the FF 767 too much until now because the sounds it comes with were so horrible, but now it's a joy to fly. Thank you so much! Here's a passenger view of a landing in Christchurch I recorded today: >> https://youtu.be/8heDcGzDp-o << One question: the spoiler sound after touchdown stays on until they are stored again. Is that really how it should be?
2020-04-28 17:20:20 Fantastic soundpack! I honestly didn't use the FF 767 too much until now because the sounds it comes with were so horrible, but now it's a joy to fly. Thank you so much! Here's a passenger view of a landing in Christchurch I recorded today: >> https://youtu.be/8heDcGzDp-o << One question: the spoiler sound after touchdown stays on until they are stored again. Is that really how it should be?

Fantastic soundpack! I honestly didn't use the FF 767 too much until now because the sounds it comes with were so horrible, but now it's a joy to fly. Thank you so much! Here's a passenger view of a landing in Christchurch I recorded today: >> https://youtu.be/8heDcGzDp-o << One question: the spoiler sound after touchdown stays on until they are stored again. Is that really how it should be?


- Yes , that what i've noticed on many B767 . - Also those noises are coming from the hydraulic pumps , they make a bit louder noise when the spoilers are deployed


Needs an altimeter sound for 757 and 767 packs


Best wind sounds in the cabin I’ve heard thus far! I like hearing that subtle window rattle which is realistic!


When was 1.61 released?


Loving the sounds! Any update on the replay sound issue though?


1.61 does not seem to work for me but 1.6 does. Anyone else have any issues with 1.61?

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:20 - delete the old fmod folder &amp; re- install again Also what is the issue exactly ?
2020-05-09 12:53:12 - delete the old fmod folder & re- install again Also what is the issue exactly ?

- delete the old fmod folder & re- install again Also what is the issue exactly ?


I installed 1.61 first but sounds did not work so I installed 1.6 and they worked. Not sure the issue just curious if anyone else had same issue.


1.61 doesnt work for me either. Went back to 1.6 and it works. Engine and APU sounds non-existent.


no sounds for me either. 1.61 on vulkan


tested again on the Vulcan using FF767 v1.2 and it works fine ! , What's exactly not working ? Engines ? Cockpit sounds or all ?


PS !! : v1.6 and v1.61 have the same configurations


I love these sounds. One thing I noticed, however, is that the altitude callouts (100ft, 50, 40,...) on landing are missing, as well as the minimums callout. Did I do something wrong? They are kind of important... :)


Okay. Some contructive critisim from someone on the second month of patreon subsription, running 1.61 and 100hrs with the sound pack. Wind/ ac pack noise in cockpit is too high [sounds like driving down highway with head sticking outside], makes hearing audibles, engine pitch, and bells hard to pick up. These are all aids to "muscle memory/ second hearing" aicraft performance. APU shutdown and spool down isnt there. For bonus credit ac packs dump hot air out under belly, equvilent to high pressure dryer exhaust vent. All in all great work thus far, not putting the work down just making a few point to help make it that much better! I bet some of this can be adjusted on user side of things so forgive my ignorance, but i've messed with the knobs and couldn't get it dialed in enough.


check the FFactor volumes on the Tablet , the Warning sounds are not made in fmod !


1 / The Wind Volume can be controlled by the "Copilot" XPL slider (volumes.png) 2/ You can control the cooling volume by the overhead Packs knobs ( info.PDF) 3/ Apu sounds will soon be fixed


Also missing for me, FFactor volumes tab check and the sounds are cranked but not there


Just a heads up there appears to be looping clicking artifact from the cabin view. Also it seems like the PW engine "grind" sound from the front is gone now, and the startup sounds are still very faint, even after adjusting the volume sliders as shown.


Thanks for the reply. The copilot slider helped alot. As per the readme and info pdf I tried the packs knobs and turning them made no difference audiblly. Cant wait for the apu update.


Hi, thank you for your great soundpacks. I installed for FF 767 and FF A350. The sounds are great but no matter what I do the ventilation noise is very loud in both cockpits. Can you change that?


reduce the FFactor engine sounds do remove the clicking noise


@Logan Laporte , there is a small delay when turning the knobs , also if turned to full heat the cooling sounds will completely stop !


@Acxiss ; inside the "info.pdf" you'll find all the instructions with picture for How to reduce cooling sounds


Hi, these sounds are absolutely amazing, just one question: I don't hear any noticeable difference upon turning on the fuel pumps/hydraulic pumps? The change notes say that there are new HYD/Fuel pumps sounds so I just thought I'd check. I have all my volume sliders set to the maximum level as mentioned in the instructions. Another improvement I'd suggest would be to better optimize the mixing of the wind sound and the engines sound, especially on approach where after dropping flaps and gears the airplane slows down and the wind sound starts gradually fading away. At this point you can hear the engine whine getting stronger. As of now it feels as if the engines aren't fully audible over the wind until after touchdown. I could just drag the "copilot" slider lower but that would also affect cruise wind sounds, which I feel are perfect as of now (you can't hear the engines during cruise at all, which is perfectly represented in this soundpack). Other than that these are some of the best sounds I have heard in Flightsim. Keep up the great work and I hope you progressively keep making it better and better.


Hello, i have downloaded and tried both the v1.6 1.61, but the PA announcement starts immediately the aircraft loads in cold and dark. With everything off, without even switching the battery on.


(^_^) , i did not spend much time on the PA sounds , (currently working on a new script for it )


The Fuel and Hydraulic Pumps are a bit quiet on the inside,


Hi, I have downloaded version 1.62 but have absolutely no exterior sound. Can you help me?


Installed latest and run into a few issues: 1) in the cockpit there is a constant wind noise that masks the other sounds. Eg the ATC chatter on COM2 is barely audible. 2) I can't control the volume using either the 767 tablet sound control or the Xplane sound control, either to drop the wind noise or bring up the other sounds.


hi. is there any update for 1.3.10 version?


Yeah sounds are non existent in 1.3.10 im sure you aware.

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:18 Working fine in v1.2xx , v1.31 , v1.32 &amp; v1.33 ( nothing big changed )
2020-07-15 02:37:35 Working fine in v1.2xx , v1.31 , v1.32 & v1.33 ( nothing big changed )

Working fine in v1.2xx , v1.31 , v1.32 & v1.33 ( nothing big changed )


Woah wierd okay ill try again

FTSIM (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 03:44:18 What 's exactly not working ! Engine sounds ? if so ! pls chek this "DataRef" below if it still exist using "DataRefTool" : &gt;&gt; 757Avionics/engine = 0 when using PW engines = 1 on RR = 2 on GE
2020-07-16 05:22:24 What 's exactly not working ! Engine sounds ? if so ! pls chek this "DataRef" below if it still exist using "DataRefTool" : >> 757Avionics/engine = 0 when using PW engines = 1 on RR = 2 on GE

What 's exactly not working ! Engine sounds ? if so ! pls chek this "DataRef" below if it still exist using "DataRefTool" : >> 757Avionics/engine = 0 when using PW engines = 1 on RR = 2 on GE


I fixed it, don't know what I did but it works.


when i install the sounds, pack's and engine sounds are non existent, what could i be doing wrong? using GE engine on FF767-300F


There is Freighter model ? , just make a copy of the "767-300ER_xp11" and rename it to same name as this model ".acf" name


When I attempt to load the aircraft, I see some errors in the log file. Aircraft is using FMOD in partial mode and snd error in file: Aircraft/Boeing767-Extended/fmod/767-300ER_xp11.snd line 935. Also this: E/SOUN: Param name sim/cockpit2/engine/indicators/fuel_flow_kg_sec[*] is missing a valid index in the sound file.


line 935 😪 Not an big issue , also not sure why is fmod loaded "in partial mode" (will be fixed though ),


is there a way to disable the ambient ATC in the cockpit? I tend to fly online so it interferes with the realism

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:18 use "Disable Fmod PA&amp;ATC" configuration found inside the Pack ( Move and replace the file )
2020-08-14 17:22:58 use "Disable Fmod PA&ATC" configuration found inside the Pack ( Move and replace the file )

use "Disable Fmod PA&ATC" configuration found inside the Pack ( Move and replace the file )


These sounds are a life saver for the FF 767! Any chance you might be working on the iniBuilds A300 next? As if you needed more to work on.... lol


it's almost the same as the A330 GE/PW so sure ! , i already add it on the requested list


No sound in 1.3.10?


Working fine on this update , maybe "fmod" folder is not on the correct Location ? or very Low x-Plane volumes ?


10-4. Engine sounds are working. Other sounds seem to be OK except the buttons sound. Engine start type of turning switch sound is OK. All other switches and knobs and push buttons are silent. X-Plane volume checked, all sliders are to the right as in the picture included with the pack. Fmod folder is in the plane's directory.


did you check the sound settings in the 767's tablet? it HAS to be a volume slider issue if you can't hear any buttons at all.


The engine sounds are nonexistent during idle descent.


Yes , they are a bit muffled and replaced by a Rumble noise


the Download seems to be offline. Mega fails at initializing.


Download not initializing?


v1.62 still online , the older ones are removed !


How do you donwload




Hi! After i place the fmod and sound into the FF767 sound directory i get no sound on aircon or engines. I also cannot find the volume sliders as shown in the second picture.


not inside the "sounds" folder , Put "fmod" inside the Main "B767" folder (outside "sounds")


Hi, will these be updated anytime soon? The PW sounds (1.62) sound especially weak and I can't seem to hear a "buzzsaw" at high thrust settings (very iconic of the PW). The GE still works fine. Also still unable to hear hydraulics/fuel pumps sounds both in the exterior/interior - requested 5 months ago. No rush, just asking for an update! Keep up the good work I am also using the latest version of the FF767 (updated recently)

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:17 5 Months !! , Oh wee ... i think i did not see your comment , i usually Note every suggestion &amp; Requests but i might missed yours , sorry - Many set are updated this month (+15) but not the B767 , it will be the first to work on next time
2020-10-30 11:03:47 5 Months !! , Oh wee ... i think i did not see your comment , i usually Note every suggestion & Requests but i might missed yours , sorry - Many set are updated this month (+15) but not the B767 , it will be the first to work on next time

5 Months !! , Oh wee ... i think i did not see your comment , i usually Note every suggestion & Requests but i might missed yours , sorry - Many set are updated this month (+15) but not the B767 , it will be the first to work on next time


Newest update has covered everything! Sounds great man, keep up the good work


Hi, I can’t seem to get the PA sounds to work. ATC chatter works, but it’s not possible to adjust the volume as described in the manual. The volume seems locked somehow..

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:17 The volume knobs are in the Copilot Radio console &gt;&gt; Press down and turn clockwise - The PA Boarding sound will start if All doors are Closed + Seat Belt ON + Landing Lights OFF
2020-11-03 19:46:14 The volume knobs are in the Copilot Radio console >> Press down and turn clockwise - The PA Boarding sound will start if All doors are Closed + Seat Belt ON + Landing Lights OFF

The volume knobs are in the Copilot Radio console >> Press down and turn clockwise - The PA Boarding sound will start if All doors are Closed + Seat Belt ON + Landing Lights OFF


Thank you very much for the quick reply. I’ll try this and see if it works


Ok, i think it’s working. But the PA sounds are very low. I can hear the «ding» before the message but it’s impossible to hear the message. The volume knob is turned to full.. i can hear the atc chatter loud and clear..


I Found the Problem ! The "PA" sounds was Controlled by the "VHF-c" Knob ( Not sure How is changed !! , and i still a bit confused 🤨 ) >> Use This Fix Below , Just Replace the "Master Bank" file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_ztzXPIb55e8zNzkYrBkioAjVd67ksEW/view?usp=sharing


Sounds great but the Cabin sound during cruise was better in the previous version. I've flown countless 767's in my day.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2akjZkJU018 there's more of a RRRRRR sound in cruise


Skip anywhere from 2:20:00 to 3:45:00 that ambient white noise sound is missing in the newest release. But had it in the previous release.


Engines Wind noise ! , it is available but less noisy on the new update ( a bit warmer sound)


Any way to raise the exterior sounds, theyre lower than the cockpit, so low I cannot really hear any characteristics. Love the cockpit sounds and levels, dont change any of those.

FTSIM (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 03:44:16 !! , The Exterior Engines sound files ".wav" are "14 time" Louder then the Cockpit's ( -4dB ) for Ext Engines and ( -18dB to -16dB ) for the Cockpit sounds . - if the XPL Volumes are already High ! , Maybe something caused by the Camera View : &gt; A bit Far ? &gt; Using Camera Mod ?
2020-12-07 23:12:48 !! , The Exterior Engines sound files ".wav" are "14 time" Louder then the Cockpit's ( -4dB ) for Ext Engines and ( -18dB to -16dB ) for the Cockpit sounds . - if the XPL Volumes are already High ! , Maybe something caused by the Camera View : > A bit Far ? > Using Camera Mod ?

!! , The Exterior Engines sound files ".wav" are "14 time" Louder then the Cockpit's ( -4dB ) for Ext Engines and ( -18dB to -16dB ) for the Cockpit sounds . - if the XPL Volumes are already High ! , Maybe something caused by the Camera View : > A bit Far ? > Using Camera Mod ?


When you revisit the 767 sounds I have noticed that there are no engine shutdown sounds in the aircraft or they are really quiet. I hear the engine shutdown sounds outside but not inside.


instruction are inside "How to use.txt" ******************************************************** To Fully Disable the ATC : - Open the "767-200ER_xp11.snd" or "767-300ER_xp11.snd" with ".txt" editor - Delete the lines below "# ATC #######" ( Line n°290 to 320 ) ******************************************************** To Fully Disable the PA Announcemnts : - Open the "767-200ER_xp11.snd" or "767-300ER_xp11.snd" with ".txt" editor - Delete the lines below "# PA #######" ( Line n°210 to 288 )


767 are great on the GE and PW but I find the RB211 sounds more like a 757 with less whine although they both have rb211 the 767 has a different type and it does sound different https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iQfMpf3TAY


To be honest ! i did not focus to much on the RR Engines on the B767 like i did on the B757 , but will do next Fix/Update


The engines outside seem very very quiet relative to eveything else. Especially relative to the electrical pumps (I think). Is this reality - I may be wrong?


Correct ! Check the x-Plane "Aircraft Exterior" volume , Maybe very low ?


I have only two PA's. Welcome on Board and the safty call are the only ones.... The fix is installed, but still doesn't work. Any ideas?


forgot to mention it but is the same logic as the other sets


PA announcements Logic - Prepare for Takeoff = Aircraft is on the taxiway + Seat-belt ON + Landing Light ON - After Takeoff = Passing Altitude 3000ft + Seat-belt ON - Cruise = Passing Altitude 16000ft/FL160 + Seat-belt OFF + Landing Light OFF - Descent = Descending from 18000ft/FL180 + Seat-belt ON - Approach = Approaching 5000ft + Seat-belt ON - After Landing = Aircraft Slowing down + Seat-belt still ON


Hello, sorry but it still doesn't work. It's confiousing....


1/ turn on the "seat belt" on the ground before takeoff = (Welcome ann), 2/ turn on the "Landing light" before take off = (Takeoff ann + after take off) , 3/ turn off the "Landing light" & "seat Belt" when or Before Cruise =(Cruise ann) 4/ turn on the "seat belt" when descending below FL200 = (Descent ann + Approach + After Landing), > will check more the script for bugs


I agree. Very low. The XPlane volume levels are all maxed out. Ive mentioned this before.


It just doesn't work. I did everything as described, also installed the fix file. Sure it's my fault, but where?


Thank you for these sounds, they are amazing and have totally transformed my 767 experience! If I could offer some feedback and comments, they would be as follows: - There don't seem to be any chimes for seatbelts/smoking on/off - is this correct? - When turning packs on/off there don't seem to be any dedicated sounds that indicate this. In the default 767 sound pack, this was modelled as a sort of 'wooosh' when activating packs/air con via APU or engine bleed - As other people have previously mentioned, the exterior sounds seem very quiet and quite weak compared to the internal sounds. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks again and let me know if you have ny thoughts on the above


@robert - I have several of FTSim+ sound packs for other aircrafts and I do really like some of them and they are better than stock sounds from aircraft developers. I can tell you this though, all FTSim+ exterior sounds are too low (in my opinion) on all the sound packs Ive used (767, ERJ, EJets, etc.).


I cannot wait to download! Thank you!


i cant download this file its asking for encrypted password???


Extract or Download ? . the Archive Password = ftsim+sounds


I have tried multiple times to download 1.71, and when extracting the file, it says that it is password protected (Patreon password does not work, and I am logged in). I have also tried downloading it on google chrome and the file says unconfirmed, not even able to extract. Could you please let me know if something is wrong with the file? Also the message field for the direct email is not working


The 767 sounds are getting so much better! I do notice that the hydraulic pumps stay on AFTER the speed breaks are retracted (put back down). That might need to be fixed? Thanks for the amazing sounds!


try using other compressing programs like "Bandizip" or "7Zip" ( both are free ) , to mention again the zip password is : ftsim+sounds ( just copy/paste it when asking and make sure no spaces added)

FTSIM (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 03:44:15 Fix : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&amp;i=7439907
2021-02-21 04:06:12 Fix : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=7439907

Fix : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=7439907


That fix worked but unfortunately there is a new issue. After you start engine #2 you lose the engine sound Inside the aircraft after start up is done. Engine #1 sounds after start up is working. Thank you for your fast attention. :)


Hello, what is the password to access the txt file?


i have no sound at all in this plane now? any ideas???


Amazing sounds, thanks! Is there a way to make the cabin ambience louder?


the fmod folder is in the correct location ? ( inside the FFB767 main folder)


It was the GE variant but I haven’t been able to test the others. Thank you!


i am still getting absolutely no sound in the game apart from xraas i can get the click sounds for switches etc no engine noise though?????


those are the Default FFactor sounds . the new sounds will not Work if the fmod folder is not on the correct location !! > The fmod folder must be inside the "Boeing 767 Extended" Main folder Exp ; ...\\x-Plane 11\Aircraft\Boeing 767 Extended\fmod


🤨 Strange ! , maybe another folder is inside fmod ? . --> Try to Delete the full fmod folder then re-install a new one


hey! amazing sounds! do I need to delete the old "sounds" and "fmod" folder or just replace it with the new ones?


Hello! I'm having issues with the air-conditioning sounds; not working at all. Also when I turn on the battery switch I get a constant high pitch sound. Any guidance? Thank you


nothing to delete , just install and replace ( backup first the "sounds" folder if you want )


1/ A/C : - Enable the Bleed Air from the APU or Engines ( Electric Power Available ! ) - Set the Packs Selectors in "AUTO" Position or "N", "C" , "W" - Turn the Temperature Knobs to Cold "C" Position ( as shown on the "B767_Sp.pdf" ) 2/ High Pitch sound = Stby Systems sound ( Batterie ) if you want to Disable it : - Open the "767-200ER_xp11.snd" or "767-300ER_xp11.snd" or ... with ".txt" editor - Delete this Parameter shown below ( Line n°75) BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Cockpit/Effects/Battery VEH_XYZ 0 2.6 -19.9 EVENT_START_COND sim/cockpit2/electrical/battery_on[0] == 1 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT


There are still no sounds from the #2 engine after start up. Any word on a fix? After doing some testing it appears to be the GE engines that are affected. The Prats and Rolls are both fine. Thank you.

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:14 initial Fix for touchdown added : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&amp;i=7644526
2021-03-21 14:08:27 initial Fix for touchdown added : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=7644526

initial Fix for touchdown added : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=7644526


ive been getting a weird popping sound during flight. Is that an issue with the soundpack or the FF 767 itself?


I'm not getting cabin announcements and the ATC chatter quits after a while

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:14 maybe low volume ? - Check the "PA" knob on Copilot Console ( Press down &amp; turn clockwise ) the same for ATC using the "VHF-R" knob
2021-03-24 22:03:24 maybe low volume ? - Check the "PA" knob on Copilot Console ( Press down & turn clockwise ) the same for ATC using the "VHF-R" knob

maybe low volume ? - Check the "PA" knob on Copilot Console ( Press down & turn clockwise ) the same for ATC using the "VHF-R" knob


Is the ATC chatter only from 300ER? It does not work for 300F.

FTSIM (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 03:44:14 Fix : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&amp;i=7690702
2021-03-27 20:21:27 Fix : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=7690702

Fix : https://www.patreon.com/file?h=34807197&i=7690702


I can't seem to get the "Altitude alert" (the 1000ft to go sound, not the cabin alt alert) sound to function. Could you take a look please? I see the file in the sounds folder as autopilot_alt.wav which plays fine. But it doesn't seem to function in the sim. Great work as always!


this warning is added before on fmod but i did remove it on the latest pack ( forgot why 🤔) , will re-enable it again soon


How do I completely turn off the canned ATC? It's using 121.5 and that is a big no-no on some networks.


Like I have posted on the EJets page of yours, the PA sounds don't work at all and your instructions are in general, very unclear. Can you please provide clear instructions on how to get your PA announcements working. I think I figured out your engine and avionics sounds after realizing the FTsim sounds folder is to be copied into the aircraft folder and OVERWRITE FILES windows prompt to be accepted by clicking YES for ALL FILES (thats a very important piece of information missing from you instructions!!!). Also very unclear is the following: in the pdf instructions it literally states: "Passengers Boarding noises start after "closing all doors" and the "smoking sign" is "OFF"." Well thats how my aircraft starts in XPlane in a cold and dark situation so whats your instruction supposed to mean?? And at any rate, I cant hear any PA sounds of yours. When I flick to Seat Belts sign to ON there are no boarding announcements. No clue brother. Hopefully you can help out or Ill have to stop my subscription. Thanks

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:14 the instruction is inside the "INFO.txt" file (B) To Fully Disable ATC &amp; PA :)
2021-04-11 10:30:24 the instruction is inside the "INFO.txt" file (B) To Fully Disable ATC & PA :)

the instruction is inside the "INFO.txt" file (B) To Fully Disable ATC & PA :)


ive just downloaded this and there is a very audible clicking noise after engine start


Hello! There is a problem with GE sounds: I can hear the engine roar over the wing and in the back of the airplane, and the spool up also there is too loud. Regarding the front, its ok!


Sounds no longer working on the FF767 if you load into the new 767-SF variant, no engine, APU, cockpit fan sounds, just button presses and switches

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:13 dont have the SF model yet Try this : - make a copy of the fmod file "767-F_xp11.snd" - rename it as the same name of the used aircraft ".acf" file Example : The aircraft ".acf" file is named "767-SF_xp11.acf" , &gt;&gt; rename the fmod file "767-F_xp11.snd" copy to "767-SF_xp11.snd" Also Please mention what is name of the SF variant ".acf" file
2021-06-26 22:14:36 dont have the SF model yet Try this : - make a copy of the fmod file "767-F_xp11.snd" - rename it as the same name of the used aircraft ".acf" file Example : The aircraft ".acf" file is named "767-SF_xp11.acf" , >> rename the fmod file "767-F_xp11.snd" copy to "767-SF_xp11.snd" Also Please mention what is name of the SF variant ".acf" file

dont have the SF model yet Try this : - make a copy of the fmod file "767-F_xp11.snd" - rename it as the same name of the used aircraft ".acf" file Example : The aircraft ".acf" file is named "767-SF_xp11.acf" , >> rename the fmod file "767-F_xp11.snd" copy to "767-SF_xp11.snd" Also Please mention what is name of the SF variant ".acf" file


Awesome I will try this! and the new versions .acf file is in fact named 767-SF_xp11.acf


Configuration will be added next fix/update ( in Progress .... )


the trick worked and the SF now has the working updated sounds


you can adjust the fan noises using the overhead temperature knobs ( see B767_Sp.pdf ) &gt;&gt; quick question : 767-SF is it basted on 767-300 like the 767-F ? or the 767-200 ?


the seat belt and no smoking signs are not working in b767. I had to copy the ones in b757. please correct this in a later update.


Working but not too loud when the Cockpit door is closed , it will be modified soon


No Engine Shutdown Sounds. Are they supposed to be there? Not sure if it was not added yet. Thanks.


I think I can hear them under the Pratts and RR but they might be extremely quiet. I do not hear them for the GE engine type.


I can't hear the landing gear up and down from the cockpit.


Hi, there are no flap sounds inside and outside views. Engine sounds inside are also very subtle especially shutdown.

FTSIM (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:13 - Flaps are Louder on the Wing View and also for the Exterior - interior Engine sounds are designed to have a similar Volume Level as the Cockpit sounds ( No Very Loud or Quiet ) &gt;&gt; You can Play with the X-Plane Volumes to achieve your preferences
2021-07-17 22:50:42 - Flaps are Louder on the Wing View and also for the Exterior - interior Engine sounds are designed to have a similar Volume Level as the Cockpit sounds ( No Very Loud or Quiet ) >> You can Play with the X-Plane Volumes to achieve your preferences

- Flaps are Louder on the Wing View and also for the Exterior - interior Engine sounds are designed to have a similar Volume Level as the Cockpit sounds ( No Very Loud or Quiet ) >> You can Play with the X-Plane Volumes to achieve your preferences


V1.73...........No smoking and seat belts are inaudible. All fans are silent (APU running, APU bleed on, all trim and recirc fans on, packs are on and at AUTO). The mic volume selector knobs are all silent in their operation. The sound effects for the bus transfer from APU to engines at engine startup are silent. Engines shutoff sounds are silent. The sound effect for arm/disarm spoilers is silent. iPad sound levels are identical to settings described in your package. any ideas?


1/ Low Volume "Belt sign/Smoking" : already know about this small issue , but is it also low when the "Cockpit door" is Open ? ( usually it gets louder !! ) 2/ Fans : Have you checked the overhead "Temperature knobs" ? ( shown on the "B767_Sp.pdf" file ) 3/ Mic selector knobs : 😕 Maybe some files are removed from B767\sounds\cockpit\ ? ( the same also for "arm/disarm spoilers" )


2/Fans: yes Ive adjust the temp control knobs from minimum to maximum values with no effect. 3/Mic selector knobs: Can you give me the file names for all the items Im experiencing as silent?


# will check the fans ( APU Only ) # There are +40 ".wav" files inside "FF767...\\sounds\cockpit\" - "Play" them with a "media Player" to see if any file is "muted" ( has no sound ) - Try to compare the missing files with a backup copy of the aircraft or - delete that folder "cockpit\" then Run Update to fix the missing sounds


Packs/Fans are indeed working fine with only APU Bleed enabled : https://photos.app.goo.gl/QD34DhLkvLFf9LaWA


Definitely not working for me. Please let me know what the .wav is for the cockpit fans and where it is located in the sounds/subfolders.... Same with seatbelt signs. Thx

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-01-05 03:44:12 I believe the fan sounds I am not hearing in the cockpit are the 'acond.wav', 'acondL.wav' &amp; 'acondR.wav' in sounds/system folder. I can play them in the media player and hear them clearly. These sounds do not come from the packs being on either with the APU bleed alone or when the APU is off and the engine bleeds are active.
2021-07-27 02:29:49 I believe the fan sounds I am not hearing in the cockpit are the 'acond.wav', 'acondL.wav' & 'acondR.wav' in sounds/system folder. I can play them in the media player and hear them clearly. These sounds do not come from the packs being on either with the APU bleed alone or when the APU is off and the engine bleeds are active.

I believe the fan sounds I am not hearing in the cockpit are the 'acond.wav', 'acondL.wav' & 'acondR.wav' in sounds/system folder. I can play them in the media player and hear them clearly. These sounds do not come from the packs being on either with the APU bleed alone or when the APU is off and the engine bleeds are active.


I found the issue on my end. I had to reinstall XPlane. A bug of sorts was minimizing my user interface sound slider. So when I slid it to the max and shut down menu the slider was defaulting to the minimum position. This only happened with my 767, all other aircraft my user interface slider remained where I put it. Very odd as reinstalling the aircraft did not fix the problem, only a reinstall of XP flushed out the issue.


Anyone can tell me how to remove the annoying ground power sound? the default sound is horrible, thats not close to a ground power unit at all lol, also any options? I installed the updated sounds and all is fine but the ground power default sound continues, thanks.


you can mute it using the FFactor Pad volume : "equipment volume"


Version 1.74 no GPU connecting / disconnecting sounds?


The Engine growl is kinda* quiet compared to a real 767 with the CFMs.


The GE ones. Other than that the sounds are pretty good tho Edit: I was seated in both Air Do 10A and 13A on the 767-300, there was a really distinct low toned buzz during takeoff, and a loud whine while at higher thrust.


Hello loving the sound packs so far! My only issue is i do not hear the gpws anymore. I can test them using the panel in the plane and they work when testing but it doesnt play when flying. I even tried putting gpws on max volume in the efb. am i missing something?


Maybe also the "master volume" is low ? , check also the "alerts volume"


💡 All FFactor warning sound files are inside : - FFactor Boeing 767\sounds\GPWS\ - FFactor Boeing 767\sounds\warnings\

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 03:44:12 Hi so I just installed the sounds today and normally I have my pc set at 50% volume and the game at 100 but the PW engine sounds sounded really low at idle power. Normally with default they sound still loud. Did I mess something up or are they like that. I haven’t tested out the RR &amp; GE sounds yet.
2021-12-20 07:12:39 Hi so I just installed the sounds today and normally I have my pc set at 50% volume and the game at 100 but the PW engine sounds sounded really low at idle power. Normally with default they sound still loud. Did I mess something up or are they like that. I haven’t tested out the RR & GE sounds yet.

Hi so I just installed the sounds today and normally I have my pc set at 50% volume and the game at 100 but the PW engine sounds sounded really low at idle power. Normally with default they sound still loud. Did I mess something up or are they like that. I haven’t tested out the RR & GE sounds yet.


Hmmm, not sure what happened but I reinstalled everything and all is working great now!


interior View only ? - check the x-Plane Volume mentioned on the "B767_Sp.pdf" file


Hello, Just installed the sounds, everything seems to be ok, I only notice some wheezing with the wind effect sounds on the wing view at high speeds. Any idea why?

FTSIM (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-05 03:44:12 it is just a Windows "cricking" sound effect , to Disable it : - Open the fmod ".snd" files with a ".txt" editor ( 767-200ER_xp11.snd , 767-300... ) - Delete those Parameters found on the last lines ( +n°1100 ...) BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Weather/WindBL VEH_XYZ -10 1.8 0 EVENT_START_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed &gt; 10 EVENT_END_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed &lt; 5 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Weather/WindBR VEH_XYZ 10 1.8 0 EVENT_START_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed &gt; 10 EVENT_END_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed &lt; 5 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT - Save and reload the aircraft
2021-12-28 18:40:07 it is just a Windows "cricking" sound effect , to Disable it : - Open the fmod ".snd" files with a ".txt" editor ( 767-200ER_xp11.snd , 767-300... ) - Delete those Parameters found on the last lines ( +n°1100 ...) BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Weather/WindBL VEH_XYZ -10 1.8 0 EVENT_START_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed > 10 EVENT_END_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed < 5 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Weather/WindBR VEH_XYZ 10 1.8 0 EVENT_START_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed > 10 EVENT_END_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed < 5 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT - Save and reload the aircraft

it is just a Windows "cricking" sound effect , to Disable it : - Open the fmod ".snd" files with a ".txt" editor ( 767-200ER_xp11.snd , 767-300... ) - Delete those Parameters found on the last lines ( +n°1100 ...) BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Weather/WindBL VEH_XYZ -10 1.8 0 EVENT_START_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed > 10 EVENT_END_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed < 5 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Weather/WindBR VEH_XYZ 10 1.8 0 EVENT_START_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed > 10 EVENT_END_COND sim/flightmodel/position/true_airspeed < 5 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT - Save and reload the aircraft


Thanks, I realized that had something to do with the windows. I set the camera a little bit high and the cricking stopped. 👍👍👍 Thanks for your help, the sound pack is Very cool.


Any update for the Captain Sim 767-400 in MSFS?


Great sounds, but for some reason the APU is completely quiet for me, both interior and exterior


Running V1.75 but the PW idle sounds while in air is bit too quiet. Did I miss something?


Hello FTSim+. When I install the sound pack, the air conditioners (pack sounds) are always on even if the switches are off. This happens as soon as either the APU or GPU come online. Any way to fix this?


Are you sure it is the A/C not the Avionics Fan ? - A/C sounds works only when the Bleed Air from APU or Engines is available + the Pack Selectors in "AUTO" ,"N","C"or "W Position check out the "B767_Sp.pdf" for More instructions


I can confirm that after following your instructions, everything works correctly. Thanks!


Hello David. Please accept my suggestion to lower the Avionics Fan sound. With text editor, go to: "767-300ER_xp11.snd" files, look up for Avionics and copy/paste below: BEGIN_SOUND_ATTACHMENT EVENT_NAME /Cockpit/Effects/Avionics VEH_XYZ 0 1.6 -17 EVENT_START_COND sim/cockpit2/electrical/Avionics_Power == 1 CUE_TRIGGER_COND sim/cockpit2/electrical/Avionics_Power == 0 END_SOUND_ATTACHMENT Obs: VEH_XYZ 0 1.6 -17, where 17 is the volume. I’m happy with this value.


Thanks "Vic" , a new Fix is uploaded for the Avionics Fan noises . Please restore the "S-Pack" Default Parameters or re-install it then use the "Fix.1" 💡 Little Hint : The "VEH_XYZ" Parameter is used to set the Position of the sound on the 3D Space , therefore changing any values will Relocate the sound 😉 .


💥 Reply for your older Comment about "A/C" & "ATC" 1/ How To Fully Disable ATC ? - The instruction is available inside the "INFO.pdf" file 2/ How To Reduce the A/C noises : - This can be done using the temperature knobs on the overhead Panel ( check the "B767_Sp.pdf" ) Turn to "C" Position = High Turn to "W" Position = Quiet


Does this sound package work with a MAC? Having trouble getting it too and starting to think maybe it's not MAC compatible? Is 1.75 the proper version and do I need the fix?


can you make it work with the new FF 767-400


Hello! Wanted to kindly ask for instructions on how to make the sound package work with the newly released FF 767-400ER. Thank you!


ok so install the pack like normal then go into the fmod folder and duplicate the 767-300ER_xp11.snd file change the 300 to 400 and then open in notepad and at the top where you see this BEGIN_SOUND_SPACE SOUND_INDEX 0 BLEND_DEPTH 0.2 AABB -3 -1 -25 3.5 3 1 END_SOUND_SPACE change the -25 to -30 and save


yeh official 767-400 mod plz


Hi Kairi, are you going to add the 400 variant to the 767 series sound pack? thanks


Thank you! Unfortunately I have not been able to get it to work.


I've found away to get it to work. make a copy of the 767-300 snd file in the FMod folder


open the SND with notepad and edit the following lines from BEGIN_SOUND_SPACE SOUND_INDEX 0 BLEND_DEPTH 0.2 AABB -3 -1 -25 3.5 3 1 END_SOUND_SPACE BEGIN_SOUND_SPACE SOUND_INDEX 1 BLEND_DEPTH 0.2 AABB -3 -1 0 3 3.5 22 END_SOUND_SPACE




Its probably not perfect but it works until an update has come out


Hi Steven, I used the fix posted by Porter 2 days ago and its working great, same as 767-300 I think, are yours any different? Thanks


Still not quiet sure after looking into the Manuals and there is no mentioning of "MAC" OS , i think the sounds have to be created on a MAC system so it can run on another MAC 👀 ?


Hi All :-) I'm new here, but I came because I downloaded the updated the Mango Studios sound pack (1.12) and the sounds were disappearing on every startup. I heard your sound pack is pretty decent, so Downloaded this and will delete the Mango-crap. I hope this works. Thank you :-)


Hi , This Pack is older then the Mango's , hope you like it and If you want something to be changed or added just add a comment below 👍


Hi and thank you for your reply. Yes, I see it from the date... The older MAngo- pack was better; I didn't have those problems. I think it's not possible to upload that 1.11- ver from anywhere anymore...


It does not work in XP12 -.- i have no Sounds. Will you fix it ?


Yes ! All XPL11 Packs will be reworked to be compatible with XPL12 , Needs just a bit More time ⏳ ... (not much)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-18 16:52:08 Hello, I would like more engine roar in the PW like in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSHhpXYYyQ&amp;ab_channel=Mah584jrHDAviation
2022-10-10 21:30:18 Hello, I would like more engine roar in the PW like in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSHhpXYYyQ&ab_channel=Mah584jrHDAviation

Hello, I would like more engine roar in the PW like in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSHhpXYYyQ&ab_channel=Mah584jrHDAviation


XP12! Plez!


update is in Progress , coming in few days . for now you can rename the fmod files - "767-200ER_xp11.snd" to "767-200ER_xp12.snd" - "767-300ER_xp11.snd" to "767-300ER_xp12.snd" ..... and same for the others ... "_xp11.snd" to "_xp12.snd"


Just got this for the FF767-400ER, made it 10x better. But can you PLEASE make the air conditioning sounds louder? It's too quiet and you can barely hear it.


I downloaded the 767SP and made the required changes for XP12, and I'm receiving an error message re: Thunder FX. Is there any current fix for this?


did you use the overhead AC Temperature knobs ? ( see the "B767_Sp.pdf" )


Im waiting for pmdg 737 v1.05 soundpack


Read you Previous Comments , Will try harder to make it More Realistic but it will take time ⏳


Is the wind sounds louder for the FF 767-400ER in this version? The previous one was way too quiet.


it is changed as the B757 , You can reduced by the X-Plane "Copilot" Volume slider