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New character alert! Lady Lemon is part of a set of new characters I designed a while back. I'm adding her and her twin sister to the latest update, so I finally got around to drawing her official art assets. You can see my design notes on her in the post linked earlier!

Hopefully the background isn't too dark, I've been trying to adjust my colors to work both on mobile and desktop and mobile tends to be brighter than desktop so I'm trying to do darker colors to prevent mobile from getting too eye-searing...ah, this is hard...

For previous characters, check out my Sugarplum Cafe tag!


I've also been working on a couple of commissions - one I received last month, and one I received and completed last year, but I suddenly had the urge to retouch it.

The first one (from last month) is for @Princeloppy on Twitter - her OC Lisse!

She specifically requested the Ishtar's Revenge costume with the old backdrop I used to draw, which gave me the inspiration to revisit and modify the backdrop layout a bit. I always thought the idea of having this tarot card-like title for all my commissions could be a nice way to keep them cohesive and personalized, so I moved it front and center. I let the clients pick the titles they want.

I then remembered I've yet to share my Citrine commission publicly which was kindly commissioned by @the_morning.sun_ on IG last year, but when I revisited the artwork I was hit in the face with my old art style and desperately wanted to update it :') 

So I went ahead and fixed the face and some anatomy + color mistakes, and I decided to add the new backdrop as well! I contacted Morning Sun again to ask for permission to update the art and get what title they would like on the card, and they were super gracious about it.

Here's the old and new versions of Citrine, and personally I'm happier with the new version and Morning Sun is also pretty happy!



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