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This week's progress! These are not final colors, I just threw some colors on to get an idea of what the final piece will look like. I'll go through each of the details I worked on this week.

First, with the lineart of the ladies done last week, I added a tea table for them to rest at.

I went with a tiara theme for all the decor, honestly just because I like tiaras. I spent a looooong time getting the perspective of these chairs right even if you barely see them. I'll probably finish drawing them to use as game assets, so the effort won't go totally to waste.

And I also got some sort of background done:

Just as I used last week as an opportunity to redesign my characters, I'm using this week as an opportunity to decide on Sugarplum Cafe's decor aesthetic. I had scribbled stuff as a placeholder for my game, but I never considered it final. Some old screencaps for reference:

I like what I did, but I want to add some more pinks and aquas and make the cafe more colorful! I also heavily referenced certain cafes because this was meant to just be a placeholder, so I'll have to change up the architecture as well to make Sugarplum more original.

Here's a potential (messy) color mockup, but it's not final by any means. I tried a version where I went full pink and it didn't really feel right, so I decided to keep pink as a color accent.

And lastly, I sketched the desserts that'll appear around the characters! I'll go through them more in-depth as I finish them next week. Here's how everything looks together right now:

It's a little different from the version on top, because I wanted to see what it would look like with pink velvet curtains to fill in the empty space on the top corners. I think it might be a liiiittle too busy though? And maybe it'll be good for the image to have some space to breathe since it'll be so detailed, so I'm thinking I prefer the version without the curtains.

Overall it's honestly still looking really messy to me and not the beautiful image I had in mind, but maybe it's because my color mockup is really messy? I'm telling myself it'll look good once the whole thing is done 🤣


Mônica Mishima

new background is looking pretty fancy to me!