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Hi everyone, apologies for not posting last week. My hands started to cramp even when idle, and I'm reaching that point where I need to worry about straining my hands, or worse, carpal tunnel syndrome. Thankfully they stopped cramping after a week, but I think it's because I let them rest and didn't draw.

As a result I won't be able to work on new art this month, so I will be spending this month on coding Sugarplum Cafe instead. I won't have exciting coding updates every week since it's a long term process, so I will write a large update post instead. There will be GIFs, but I will have to use placeholder art (ie stock photos) since I can't draw new art at this time :')

I also scheduled a doctor's appointment in April so they can advise me professionally on how to prevent the hand cramps from getting worse. April was the earliest I could do because of my schedule :(

Not gonna lie, I'm a little burnt out artistically so it will be nice to be fully focused on my game for a few weeks. But thank you all for understanding, and apologies for the mini art hiatus!


Mack Herman

Do what you’ve gotta do! Your health is way more important than regular posting.

Mônica Mishima

Hope your hands get better soon!!