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Since the core of Sugarplum Cafe is about discovering all the dessert-themed characters, I decided that with my next update it was finally time to introduce some more!

Please consider all of this placeholder art - I wanted to just get the ideas on (digital) paper so it doesn't entirely match the art style of the previous ladies. In fact, all Sugarplum Cafe art I share is technically placeholder - you know my habit of redrawing old art all too well ;)

Sugar and Cream are two ingredients in future mechanics I plan to implement, so I wanted to get their characters done first.

Lady Sugar: sweet but less innocent than she lets on. She likes sweet playful lingerie and babydoll dresses.

Lady Rose: normally I think of red roses, but for rose-flavored desserts pink seemed more appropriate. It also gave me the chance to go with a really hammed up rococo-inspired outfit. This is actually a thelettergii deep cut - I designed this outfit almost 10 years ago! 

Lady Cream: as an ingredient of luxury, I wanted to give her a fancy design. She is a squire who heralds the arrival of [characters I will not divulge yet].

Then we have the Citrus girls! This is a collection of designs I have been thinking about for a while now; I knew I wanted a set of outfits unified by bright transparent vinyl + citrus slice designs. Each character is loosely inspired by fashion from a certain decade.

Lady Orange: inspired by the 50s; the most ladylike of the Citrus girls.

Lady Lime: inspired by the 60s, and of course mod fashion. She's the twin sister of Lady Lemon.

Lady Lemon: inspired by the 70s. I struggled with this one the most because 70s fashion is so diverse and lemon is such a popular ingredient I wanted to do her justice. I'll share some unused Lemon thumbnails below.

Lady Grapefruit: inspired by the 80s. I might redesign her - now that I look at her compared to the other girls, she's a little too casual.

Lastly, we have Lady Mojito - a variant of the Citrus girls who will represent another mechanic I want to implement in the game.

That's all for this week! My current demo is still available if you want to play it. Just comment below if you're interested!


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