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Starting a new fashion collection inspired by the Sailor Scouts in their princess forms! 

Each of their gowns is relatively simple, with maybe one feature that makes them unique. As a result, it was pretty tough to come up with creative designs, but I think I'm finally ready to take on the challenge.

I've already taken my fashion spin on Sailor Moon's dress with the Serenity dress collection, so I'm starting with Sailor Mercury this time.

Princess Mercury

Her gown's unique feature is the outline around the...boobie area? It's a boobie area.
You may recall I had a lot of different ideas for her (see below), but I ended up really wanting to have her show some leg. The silhouette just felt very boring as floor length, you know?

Despite the harness, I kept the design pretty modest to match her quiet bookworm personality. I was particularly inspired by the gorgeous transparent ribbons in her transformation sequence and wanted to have something transparent to represent this, hence the see-through blouse. 

But I think there would be a bra underneath the see through blouse, so she would be covered appropriately!

Princess Mars

Yeah, so, I ended up going back to the first design.

Here's the original for reference, it's hard to make out but I was going to make it more ruffley than fiery: 

I wasn't going to go with this fiery gown at first because I thought it might be too draggy for her, but I just liked it so much that I decided having a cool design > having a design that fits the character.  In a way, it does sort of fit her - she's supposed to be this goddess-like beauty who is very intimidating because people think she's so perfect. So I think she would be the one to pull off something more avant-garde than the rest.

By the way, if you notice similarities to my Valentina design from the Drag Names series, I definitely pulled inspiration from that look. It's very hard to come up with new fire-themed couture all the time...

That's it for this week! I'm hoping to have Jupiter and Venus done soon. It's been a while since I did a proper fashion series so I'm really excited to show you the designs I have planned!


Mônica Mishima

Stunning!! Your design choices are so smart.