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Video game project is taking yet another turn again 😩 Here are some character designs for its latest iteration to practice drawing different faces in my new style! Maybe some of these look familiar?

If you're interested, my current status is that as much as I wanted the classical music project to succeed, I held that concept in such high regards that I was having difficulty designing characters and levels that matched the standards I wanted. So I reverted back to magical fashion girls, sort of, but I have revised the world into a game concept that is MUCH more doable. Like, this is the first time a core game mechanic instantly popped into my head instead of me having to shoehorn something. 

 I think at this point, I don't want to explain much more bc I resolved to build a prototype before the end of the year and I think it's better to let the prototype demonstrate everything firsthand. I'll say for sure that there's no more cooking. Just fashion!  Which means it's going to be hell of a niche game and I don't know how well people will take it, but at least it's a niche I know well and I care a lot about :') 



Mônica Mishima

All those designs are adorable!!! And I'm glad you're more confident about the project


Sounds like you're on track. These are gorgeina st croix bish!