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Moreover, in order to get to Asad's soul through Qorvass, he would need some specialized equipment. He wasn't even sure that anything he currently possessed would do the trick. He might just have to make something brand-spanking new. And doing that meant making a trip all the way back to his biggest, most secure workshop, where he kept the Clown Pit.

Ho-hum, ho-hum. Might be worth the bother, though. He hadn't created anything truly new with the Clown Pit ever since pausing development on the Roberts. All the items that he'd tried to make after that had failed tragically, thanks to those dang feldeaths and their unbelievable stubbornness.

He'd get his revenge on them, one day. Buncha jerks. Maybe he'd tame Exoltha, too, just to really show 'em who's boss. Break the Eternal Storm. Make the whole continent habitable again.

Eheh. He wondered what the world would think if he did that. Right now, they were terrified of him. Would something like that make them change their mind? Shower him with love and affection?

How hilarious would that be? And how much would it piss off Sermung?

That thought alone might make it worth doing.

People were so silly, sometimes. So flip-floppy. Worried about the funniest things. Good or evil. Right or wrong. Cats or dogs. Soup or salad. And then when something actually important happens, they forget all that philosophizing they just did and make entirely emotional decisions or just react without even thinking. Yesterday's villain could become today's savior at the drop of a hat.

Human beings. Hard to believe he was one of them.

Eheheh. More than once, he'd wondered about that little idea. Maybe he actually wasn't human, hmm? Wouldn't that be a neat discovery? He'd always felt so different, after all. It didn't seem so illogical that he could've been something else. Perhaps his memories of childhood were false! Perhaps he was an alien! Or a machine! Or an alien machine!


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