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Raul made sure to clarify the situation, eventually. But truth be told, once they'd settled back down, he was a little surprised that Donald could even tell that the three of them shared the same face--particularly Adan, who was still missing his left eye. The boys hadn't made contact with their reapers yet, so their wounds from being tortured by Abolish at Miro hadn't regenerated yet.

His brothers were in good spirits about it, though. Adan kept saying that he was thinking about letting the eye stay gone.

"An eye patch would make me look more distinguished, don't you think?" he'd said. "Like a grizzled warrior."

"You could wear an eye patch without actually giving up the eye, y'know," Esai told him.

"Bro. That'd make me feel like a giant douche."

"You mean you don't feel like one already?"

As their preparations neared completion, the pressure was beginning to mount for the task they were undertaking. Their scouting efforts were the real point of alarm for Raul. As they'd feared, they could see reapers hovering all over Logden prison, which almost certainly meant that Abolish was indeed present here.

That, or the VMP had a lot servants of their own. Which wasn't out of the question, actually.

Either way, it was terrible news.

Even worse news arrived, however, right as he was readying himself for his first attempt to infiltrate the building.

'Raul,' came Arumoro's echoing voice. 'Be very careful. We just got word that Vanderberk is in Vantalay.'

Chapter Two Hundred Sixty-Two: 'As an archdemon digs...'

Man, those tattoos were a tough nut to crack. Just flaying the skin off of the little Lion of the Desert's bones was not enough to nullify their effects. Physically, they were destroyed, but their soul-signature remained, bonded directly to the lad's soul.


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