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Crap. This was where House Blackburn's isolation over the last thirty or so years was a real problem. When it came down to it, he actually didn't know his kin from the other Houses all the well. Who was the smartest? Who was the sneakiest? Who was the best under pressure? Who was the most creative, the most tech savvy, the most experienced in the field?

For House Blackburn, he could answer all of those questions.

Tch. He needed to consult Arumoro here. The reaper had taken part in the House's isolation just as much, but even if he couldn't tell Raul who to choose, he could at least talk to others in Warrenhold and figure something out.

But it was a start.

And over the next couple weeks, he and Donald would have plenty of time to make their preparations.

The elders were surprisingly reluctant to act. He'd expected them to rush in, to dispatch reinforcements immediately. He'd even been afraid that they would have Cousin Melchor and the others join him up north in order to lay siege to Logden Prison.

He wouldn't have minded the assistance, of course, but it would've become an enormous mess. And he wasn't yet convinced that such extreme actions would be necessary.

Perhaps he'd been able to convince Arumoro to share his opinion, and perhaps Arumoro had then been able to convince everyone else at Warrenhold.

But Raul kinda doubted it. At best, his opinion was merely one small factor among a multitude of others.

Because apparently, the situation in Miro was evolving.

The RPMP had made contact with Cousin Melchor's group again. And this time, they were seeking assistance outright. No more playing coy like before. They wanted help repelling the joint siege on Ridgemark from the VMP and Abolish.


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