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Raul frowned and scratched his head, knowing this would be difficult to explain without revealing his heritage as a Rainlord. Difficult, or just impossible, perhaps. Hmm.

Now seemed like a good time to resort to his tried and true strategy.

He gave the man a big smile. "Well, to be honest, it's all kinda complicated, and I don't really understand it very well myself, dude! But I'm sure it'll work out! You'll see!"

Donald Elias just kind of stared at him, blinking dully.

Raul filled the silence with a hearty laugh. "I've always found that it's best not to sweat the small stuff, ya feel me? Lord Goffe is a trustworthy man, which is pretty much all that matters at the end of the day, I think."

"...That's a very laidback attitude for a spy," said Donald. Raul couldn't tell if that was doubt or disapproval on his face.

"Well, I'm still pretty new to this whole gig. Maybe that'll get beaten outta me eventually. I hope not, though. I feel like I'm being true to myself this way, y'know?"


Raul knew that he probably wasn't convincing the guy of much, right now. But that was okay. That was a job for his elders if they so decided it--or for the Atreyan Queen, maybe. He just wanted to avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary details, right now. "Listen, bruh, I will vouch for these prisoners with my life, okay?" He paused to suck air through his teeth. "Plus, we, uh... we might kinda need their help in order to get outta the country safely, anyway."


"I mean, maybe we won't. Maybe we could just make a break for the border right now and skip across it, no problem, but, uh... things are real messy in this country, at the moment. Lotta dangerous jackholes runnin' around."


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