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Garovel had been telling him that it soon wouldn't be a matter of "finding" the time for things, anymore. It would only be a matter of "making" time for them. And Hector was beginning to understand what he meant by that.

With so much going on all the time, so many people requesting meetings with him in both Atreya and Lorent, everything was just totally different now. If he wanted to, he could book every hour of every day for the next month with one thing or another. A meeting or training or maintenance or patrolling or reading paperwork for the Bank or listening to reports from various reapers--there was, quite literally, always something that he could be doing.

Free time simply didn't exist, anymore.

Unless he went out of his way to create it, was Garovel's point.

At this rate, he wondered if he would ever watch another movie or play another video game again.

Right now, his "free time" was all going to patrolling Gray Rock. It used to stress him out so much, but now he looked forward to how relaxing it was. Compared to facing down some insanely powerful servant or monster, it was quite pleasant to be dealing with regular ass criminals.

He could use the time to multitask, too. He could read up on various subjects that interested him while en route to wherever Garovel sensed the next "doomed" person. Or he could just mull things over in a background thought process or two. It was nice to just take time to think about shit.

Unfortunately, Garovel was having an increasingly difficult time finding people with the "aura of death" around them. Well, okay, that wasn't actually unfortunate. It was obviously great that crime seemed to be on the decline in Gray Rock, especially after the spikes that it had seen after his return from Sair.


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