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"What else do you know about me?" asked Malcolm.

Colt felt like it was his turn to play coy and shrugged. "This and that."

Malcolm's expression became even flatter, somehow. "Cute."

"Let's just say I know enough that you should think twice about trying to lie to me," said Colt.

Malcolm gave a small sigh, then nodded. "I guess this is the part where I roll over and show you my belly, eh?"

If Colt didn't know a thing or two about dogs, that might've sounded pretty fucking weird. "I'd rather you kept your clothes on, thanks."


A brief period of silence arrive as they waited for the bird to finish roasting. It was starting to smell pretty damn good, and Colt could feel his mouth beginning to water. He would've liked to snack on those nuts and berries that he gathered in the forest, but he suddenly realized that he left them in the cabin, and he didn't feel like getting up and going to get them, right now.

He sensed that this conversation was not yet done, that it was just getting to the crucial part.

"...So you got any suspects yet?" said Malcolm.

Yeah, there it was. Malcolm wanted to swap intel for the investigation. Pretty bold of him to lead with that, though. Maybe he was tired of this obnoxious little dance they'd been doing, too.

Colt wasn't averse to the idea, but he wasn't about to go first, either. "Do you?"

Malcolm remained silent for a moment, mulling it over. "Ever heard the name Keith Hopper?"

Colt did, of course, but he didn't see any point in admitting that. Besides, he had no plausible way to explain how he could've come by such knowledge. He doubted Malcolm would believe him if he told him that he'd heard it from a fucking ghost. "No. Who's that?" Plus, this was a good opportunity to learn more about the guy.

"A real sick bastard," said Malcolm. "Rex put him behind bars a few years back when he was still working in Lagoroc. I think Hopper held onto that grudge for a long time and finally found a way to get his revenge."


"It's the most reasonable explanation I can come up with right now," Malcolm went on. "Ain't many people who'd try to kill a lawman in such a way. Assassination. Usually, if we go down, it's in the line of duty. Easily explained. Somethin' like this, though? Requires planning. A meticulous mind. Patience. And a solid alibi."

"And you think this Keith Hopper fits that profile?"

"Before his imprisonment? I woulda said no. Guy was an animal. Just a two-bit thug who lucked into a position of power within his little gang when his rivals killed each other. But now? Dunno. Maybe. Prison changes a man. Gives him time to think. Forces him to think, I suppose. One might even say that's the whole point, eh? To make 'em reflect on their actions."

Yeah, Colt had heard that argument before. Prison gives the bastards a chance to reform. Sure, great. It also gives them time to marinate in their own bile and become even worse than they were before.

"I think a regular criminal doesn't make much sense for this to any investigator with half a brain," said Malcolm. "But someone behind bars? Maybe he thinks those bars are a rock solid alibi."

Malcolm was preaching to the choir over here. Colt tried to play it cool, though. "Well, obviously, he couldn't have done it himself. So if you're right, then isn't it just a matter of checking his phone call and visitor records?"

Malcolm exhaled a breath. "You make it sound so simple. The man has a list of known contacts a mile long. And his gang was a small force before, but it made a big impact in the short time he was leading it from the street. Made a real nice reputation for himself. And ever since then, he's used that reputation to gain influence with his fellow inmates and expand his power. He wouldn't have needed to meet with anyone himself to pass an assassination order along. Anyone else from that prison could have been an accessory."

Shit. That was quite a yarn Malcolm was spinning. Colt didn't know if he could believe it. The ex-cop in him wanted to, certainly. He had no love for prisoners.

But Keith Hopper being some kind of criminal kingpin? Really? That was a big leap to make from the dude being just some murderous thug who Rex put away years ago. And if Hopper really was this big shot now, why would he risk it all just for a bit of revenge? Wouldn't he have more important things to be worrying about? Running a criminal organization, even a small one, wasn't easy.

Still, Colt had to admit, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility. Could be that Hopper needed Rex out of the way in order to secure his eventual release--or for some similar reason. If Hopper planned on appearing in court at any point in the future, Rex would've likely shown up to testify against him.

And there was still that missing money. That had to factor into this case, somehow.

Colt had to wonder if Malcolm knew about it. Or if maybe that was the real reason he was so interested in this case. Maybe this motherfucker didn't give two shits about Rex. Maybe he was just looking for a payday.

At Colt's persistent silence, Malcolm pushed him. "So. I showed my cards. Show me yours."

Did he really wanna help this guy out?

No. He didn't.

But fair was fair, he supposed. "What do you know about Leonard Pink?"

Malcolm paused at that name and blinked. Then he gazed into the fire again. "It's not him."

"You sound certain."

"Guy's an asshole, but he's not a criminal. And definitely not a murder. He and Rex had a history, but it wasn't all bad blood between them."


"What made you suspicious of him?"

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