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He told Garovel to keep his distance while he tried this out. The last thing he wanted was to accidentally hurt the reaper somehow.

For the outer layer, he decided to keep things simple. It didn't need to be as complexly fitted together and interlocking as his static armor. That would've just made it needlessly difficult to maintain its constantly-moving form. Plus, it would probably reduce air resistance more if it was simplistically shaped.

And so, he began to create the outer layer. It melted into existence around him, smooth and already moving while stationary. It coated his entire armor, save only for the eye slit and a small hole at the neck for the Scarf of Amordiin to fit through.

When he dematerialized the hovering platform beneath him, Hector half-expected to drop like a stone. But he didn't. He stayed in the air. The coating was working.

The scraping against the static layer was intense, however. It was even louder than he'd thought it would be. Metal grinding against metal--but it was all around him, becoming almost like the roar of an engine but more piercing. Not to mention, the vibrations that the technique sent throughout his body were their own kind of disorienting.

For a time, he just hovered there, trying to give himself time to acclimate. If he concentrated, perhaps he could dull the noise--in his mind, at least, if not in reality.

And he had a thought. Maybe he could use that thing Emiliana had told him about here. Sto. A "storage state" technique of the mind.

While he couldn't place the actual noise into storage in his mind, maybe he could place his perception of that noise in there. To isolate it. And numb himself to it. To make it so that the only way for him consciously hear it was if he concentrated on it.


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