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Hector tilted his head. "...Wouldn't that be my problem to deal with, not yours?"

"If your bank continues to grow unchecked, it could become the entire nation's problem," said the Queen.

Hector furrowed his brow. "And if it continues to stagnate, then that could also become the entire nation's problem."

"Stagnate?" she said with obvious doubt. "In what way is your bank stagnating, Hector? Customers are flocking to you, are they not?"

"They are. Because the nation is in crisis. And yet we're still barely operating in the green. What happens when it's not? They'll take their money elsewhere, because we can't afford to lower our service fees and incentivize them to stay." Hmm. Maybe he was picking up a thing or two from all his conversations with Amelia.

The Queen paused at that, but she still looked unconvinced. "Why would they leave? The law applies equally to your competitors, does it not?"

Hector was a bit surprised to hear her say that. "Actually, no, it doesn't. Older banks are given more leeway. Once this crisis passes and people aren't quite so worried about stability anymore, the older banks that manage to survive will probably be able to make a killing while we collapse from the inside."

"Those older banks have earned that privilege through years of proving their credibility. I appreciate what your bank is doing for the nation at the moment, but it is still very young, and I do not think it should be given special treatment just because of abnormal circumstances."

He exhaled, trying not to sound exasperated. "Your Highness... I'm not asking for special treatment. I'd be happy if the regulations were loosened for all banks, not just mine."

"Hector, I am sorry, but the answer is no. I will not risk long-term stability for short-term gain."

"That's... I don't think that's what the choice is, Your Highness. I agree that unchecked growth would be dangerous, but it wouldn't be unchecked. And if the bank is allowed to generate revenue without charging our customers through the nose for it, then that will contribute to the long-term stability of the nation, too, don't you think?"

"I'm afraid I disagree."


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