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Hector hated to admit it, but Abbas' assessment tracked fairly well with what Prince David had told him not too long ago. The sociopolitical divide in Intar between the Blue Moon Party and the Grand National Republic Party was exacerbated by their differing opinions on interventionism. The Grands, who were currently in power, might be inclined to aid Sair, but if they did, they would risk losing said power to the Moons.

Or something along those lines. Honestly, it all sounded pretty fucking complicated to Hector, and keeping up with a foreign nation's political drama wasn't the easiest thing in the world.

Hmm. Maybe he should ask Hanton to keep an especially close eye on the situation over there. Come to think of it, the Sparrow was probably already doing that, but Hector wouldn't mind confirming as much.

And maybe putting Roman on it would be a good idea, too. Or some of the Rainlords, perhaps. There were a few Sebolts who might be suited to it. Or Blackburns?

He kept that internal debate going and assigned it to its own thought process as he continued listening to Abbas and the Queen.

"Hector has told me of this Forge," Helen was saying, "but I must admit, I do not fully understand its value. It can be used to create items of incredible power, yes? But what manner of items would that be, precisely? Weaponry, no doubt, but what kind of weapon would it take for you to reclaim Sair from the likes of Morgunov?"

"Your skepticism is understandable," said Abbas. "At the moment, the fact of the matter is that I simply do not yet know what we will be able to create. In fact, it may not even be weaponry that results from our efforts. Not weaponry in the conventional sense, at least." He broke for a weighty pause and glanced Hector's way one more time. "However, after giving the Forge a preliminary examination and thinking on it for a while during the drive here... I may have a very vague notion of the possibilities."


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