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'Ooh, I love naming stuff,' said Garovel. 'The best names are ones that come with built-in nicknames. How about the Toby? Short for Globey Toby. Or Orby? Short for Orby Orbington. Or Glassy? Short for Amassy Glassy.'

'Those are all impressively terrible,' said Worwal.

'Thanks. Think you can do worse?'

Worwal thought a moment. 'George the Forge.'

'Wow, okay. Good job.'

Perhaps having some inkling that this was going to spiral out of control if he didn't do something, Lord Abbas decided to intervene. "A new name is not a trivial matter. It should only come after we understand its capabilities better."

'Really?' said Garovel. 'What difference does it make if we name it now or later?'

"A Forge's name is more than just words. It binds itself to the Forge metaphysically and becomes entwined with its identity. A name can even impact the properties of the Forge itself, altering its power in minor ways."

'Are you serious?' said Garovel. 'I thought this was all scientific stuff when it came down to it, but you're talking about straight up wizardry, right now.'

"Make of it what you will, but I am not lying. Most importantly, an ill-fitting name can have negative effects. I have heard of one case in which a Forge was rendered all but useless due to a badly chosen name."

'Well, shit,' said Garovel.

A lull in the conversation arrived as everyone was apparently thinking at the same time.

Hector decided to break the silence himself, because there was one thing he wanted to know. "What... what name was so bad that it ruined a Fusion Forge?"

Abbas eyed him for a time. "...It was too ridiculous to utter."

Hector just frowned.

Garovel had him covered, though. 'C'mon, now you've gotta tell us.'

The Lord Saqqaf sighed. "...The Great Tornado Toilet of Ultimate Toilation."

Hector had to cover his mouth to hold back his laugh.

Garovel didn't even bother.


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