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Which was to say nothing about the prospect of having to fight the Mad fucking Demon. Considering the fact that he'd just taken down two marshals, even Zeff had to know how utterly moronic that would be.

Hector checked up on the renovation progress as well, but as expected, there wasn't much change. It had only been a day and a half or so since he last checked, after all. And of course, with the arrival of the Sandlords, many among the construction team had gotten distracted or otherwise volunteered to assist in getting everyone settled.

Everyone's priorities had temporarily shifted. That was alright. And understandable. The renovations weren't that urgent.

Were they?

The more he thought about it, the more he had to admit, the possibility that the war might come to Atreya was rising. And if it did, it would most likely come through Lorent now. And geographically speaking, Warrenhold was the first line of defense for Atreya.

...Maybe the last line of defense, too.

Now there was a disconcerting thought.

He put it out of his mind for now.

By the time he finished making the rounds, it was already nearing dinnertime. He'd been grabbing snacks from the kitchen throughout the day, but he was still famished. He decided to give Her Majesty a call before eating, though. He only managed to get a hold of her secretary, but that was fine. He just wanted to let her know that he would be visiting Riverton Hall the day after tomorrow.

After dinner, he went straight to bed. When he awoke, he was still sore all over, but he wasn't quite so stiff anymore, at least.

They set out in the early morning--using regular, old, non-flying cars this time. Since it wasn't an emergency situation, they didn't need Dimas to help them cut down on their travel time so much. Plus, Abbas was bringing a few non-servants with him, and an unpressurized vehicle at high altitudes would not have been kind to them.


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