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'We appreciate your kind words,' said Garovel, 'even if you are only being polite. It still needs quite a bit more work before it will be deserving of a term like "magnificent," I feel'

'Oh, are you being too harsh, surely,' Worwal. 'Why, this castle is a wonder and a half. The size alone is enough to leave a lasting impression in the mind, but the fact that it is also underground makes me think that it could only have been the work of a true artist of the architectural craft.'

'Ah, that artist would be one Stasya Orlov,' said Garovel.

Worwal's hollow eye sockets widened a little. 'That name is familiar, though I have not heard it since before the banners of Al'Imbratur were flown in Kuros.'

'Indeed. My friend Voreese would be able to tell you more of her, if you are interested.'

'I would be. Perhaps we could--'

"I'm afraid I must interject before the entire day disappears during this conversation," said Lord Abbas. "Unfortunately, there are more pressing matters to be discussed than that of your lovely home, Lord Goffe."

'Of course,' said Worwal. 'Forgive me. I have something of an obsession when it comes to the matter of grand masonry.'

Oh? Hector's head perked up a little at that.

Abbas seized full control of things before Hector could respond, however. "Firstly, please allow me to thank you for coming to our aid. I believe it is no exaggeration to say that your efforts saved the lives of my entire Hahl, and I could not be more grateful."

"Oh. Uh... er..." Shit. He should've practiced for this or something.

"If the situation had grown any more dire, I would have been forced to do something quite drastic indeed," said Abbas. "So thank you for stepping in when you did." And he offered him a handshake.

Well, Hector knew how to do that much, at least. He shook it.


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