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Hector exhaled a long breath. Frankly, he'd been trying not to worry too much about the problem of Ivan simply because he didn't fucking know what to do about it. So to hear that it wasn't an immediate issue was an enormous relief--more so than he'd realized, even.

'That being said,' Garovel went on, 'we still can't ignore the threat that Ivan poses to us now.'

That put a bit of a damper on Hector's little relief party. Primarily because he knew the reaper was right. Dammit.

'We have to assume that Abolish is tracking the group who escaped with Ivan's head. Freeing him is probably their top priority, right now.'

Yeah, that sounded about right.

'If they find and revive him, he's going to be pissed. At two specific people, most likely.'

"Me and Abbas."

'Both of whom are here at Warrenhold.'

Hector sighed. "Couldn't they just, like... drop his head to the bottom of the ocean somewhere? Or better yet, launch out into space?"

'Ah. If only. You're not the first to have had that idea. Launching captives into space, that is. Unfortunately, it doesn't work.'

He kinda figured as much. Seemed too easy. "Why?"

'Because for whatever reason, the servant-reaper bond is constrained by Eleg's atmosphere. If you send a servant into space, the bond will fade until they simply die. Or in other words, if Ivan's head leaves the planet, then his reaper will be able to resurrect him from scratch again.'

"That blows..."

'Kinda, yeah. But it's also good that Abolish can't do shit like that to us. I can only imagine how different history would be if such a tactic were possible. By now, there'd be countless reapers who'd lost their servants like that.'

"I don't care about history. I care about how upset I feel."

Garovel chuckled. 'That's exactly the type of level-headed thinking we need, right now.'


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