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Hector abandoned his previous orbital project and started a new one--with a quite a different objective in mind, this time. He gathered all of his focus in order to sense everything the Scarf could tell him about the Man of Crows.

The guy's black wing was regrowing. His movement was slowing. He was trying to steady himself. He would soon succeed, no doubt.

They couldn't have that.

Iron cubes orbited around the crow guy as he moved. Birds were circling around him, too, but they seemed pretty disorganized, still. Hector knew they'd be a problem again if the guy got his bearings back.

This time, wind was not the goal. This time, he had a clear target. He was just waiting for the bird guy to stop tumbling. There would be a perfect moment to strike, Hector felt, when the guy caught himself in midair. The cubes would be the least likely to miss.

In the meantime, though, he could do more. He still had mental room to work with. An entire thought process to spare, more or less.

He used it to fill the cubes with molten iron.

He'd only done this one before, so perhaps it was a bit risky... but it had sure been effective last time. That was undoubtedly his most powerful technique, at the moment, and this would be a new variant of it.

Would the Man of Crows be able to take it better than Chort had?


Hector doubted it would tickle, though.

The moment arrived. The wing had completed enough of its regeneration, and the crow guy stopped himself in midair with a suddenly furious beating of both feathered appendages. From the look on his face, he only just barely glimpsed the four giant, red hot cubes around him before their orbits shifted.

And they all converged inward simultaneously.


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