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He remained at a low altitude for a while longer, knowing that most of the Abolishers were after him and that flying up higher would just make him an easier target.

He needed time to reevaluate the suit's condition, as well as the situation at large. So many failing systems. Was anything regenerating?

Here and there, it seemed, yes--and at a massively slowed rate. Both arms and shoulders torn to hell, as was his right leg. But the helmet was still working. And the mini-missiles. Jets, of course. Radar and sonar. The coolant system. Shock shield. Flares.


And the Ro'Hada.

Even after the beating his right arm had taken, the ace up his sleeve was still fully operational. That was good news, at least. He had designed to be even more durable than the rest of the suit. That was a necessity when it came to a last resort weapon. It needed to endure even when everything else gave out.

But was the situation truly that dire?

Debatable. The more this battle dragged out, though, the more the scales seemed to be tipping in its favor.

Either way, he would need to get up fairly close if he intended to use it.

That part, at least, looked as though it would not be an issue. Bloodeye and the Man of Crows were both on his tail now. No doubt, their murderous instincts were telling them that he was on the verge of death here. He could practically taste their bloodlust, their eagerness to claim the prize that was his head.

Of the two, Bloodeye now seemed the most problematic. Not knowing what he was capable of put a big asterisk next to any plan that Abbas could concoct. And if he reacted incorrectly like last time, with his armor in its current condition, Crowe's next strike might very well be a fatal one.


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