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Crowe's body stuck onto him, too, added to the pile. Now the weight was beginning to become an issue. Abbas could hear the jets straining.

It was perfect time to cool them down, then.

He opened both hands wide and vented several supercoolant packs on his back. Liquid hydrogen spewed out, splashing everywhere.

Normally, the venting would be a much more controlled process, but while he was covered in mangled bodies and twisting metal, control was a luxury. And of course, he wanted the coolant to get all over his opponents.

After having been both reminded of and further impressed by Iceheart's effectiveness on the battlefield, Abbas had been trying to increase the suit's freezing capabilities to new heights. While he didn't yet have the "cryo-weapon" of his dreams at his disposal, the addition of several spare supercoolant packs was a start.

And they seemed to be doing well. System heating metrics were way down, and he could feel the three bodies around him squirming less than before.

But he wanted more. Crowe was still in one piece and struggling. That needed to be rectified.

Abbas couldn't even see out of his visor anymore, but the compass on the HUD was still working, at least. Bloodeye was approaching from the north, and Lorent was to the west.

He banked hard left, hearing the cooling hiss of the hydrogen almost overpowering the howling wind.

For a moment, he seriously contemplated just crashing straight into the ground. All these bodies would take even more damage than he would, especially if they were partially frozen already.

But no. Too reckless. With the suit's regeneration still in question, he couldn't risk it.

So he tapped all five fingertips together on his right hand, instead.

The suit's anti-personnel shock shield activated, covering his entire body in electricity.


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