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They could work through the details later. The Queen couldn't get mad at him as long as they weren't actually coming to Atreya yet.

Well. Okay, maybe she could. But she couldn't do anything about it if she did. Lorent was outside her jurisdiction.

President Dance might have a thing or two say about it, though--if he ever found out about it, that was.

As he waited for Abbas' response via Levinox, Hector noticed Garovel hovering there next to him. The expression on the reaper's skeletal face implied that he had something he wanted to say, but he merely remained silent.

'Lord Abbas says that would be much appreciated,' said Levinox. 'They will head for Lorent right away.'

"Do they have civilian refugees with them?" asked Hector.

'...Yes. Many.'

Hector nodded. "Can I get a rough estimate of the number?"

'...Perhaps three hundred.'

Hmm. Less than he'd imagined, but that amount would still prove challenging to conceal from the Lorentian government. Would it be better to just ask the Lorentians for help directly?

Maybe, but he still didn't fully trust them. He might've gained their favor, but this was an emperor of Abolish they were dealing with. If Morgunov made the same promise to the Lorentians that he did to the Callumi, they might very well agree to it. He highly doubted that they liked Hector Goffe of Atreya more than they feared the Mad Demon.

Hell, he wondered if even Queen Helen would be able to hold out against something like that.

He did not wish to find out. Yeah. It was safer for everyone if he just tried to keep everything as quiet as possible for now.

"Alright," he said. "Tell the scouting team to stick with them and keep us updated on their movements. We'll try to link up with them at the Lorent-Callum border and proceed from there."

He still had plenty of questions, particularly regarding casualties, but the situation was still too fluid for that, Hector felt. He could ask those things later, once Abbas and his group were safe. 


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