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'Excellent,' said Garovel. 'I'm glad you're able to escape the media's gaze for a single day, at least.'

"Well, don't speak too soon," said the Queen, her smile suddenly growing faintly weary.

'No kidding,' said Mehlsanz. 'There's been so much going on lately that it wouldn't surprise me if some other terrible news arrived and forced us back to the capital.'

'That's very true,' said Garovel. He looked over at Dimas. 'I hope you've been treating our Queen well, Lord Sebolt. Hector and I are very protective of her, you know.'

Helen gave an airy laugh. "He has been a perfect gentleman."

'Bit on the quiet side, though,' added Mehlsanz.

Dimas looked as expressionless and stoic as ever. "I happened to be awake, and I thought it would be rude to leave her alone in this giant castle, as it is apparently her first ever visit here."

'He's understating things,' said Iziol. 'After getting to know King William so well, we've all been eager to meet the wife of such a charming man, especially after he spoke so highly of you.'

"Oh my," said Helen. "I shall tell him you said that."

'Please do,' said Iziol. 'I only wish I could've had a conversation with him directly.'

The Queen tittered. "No wonder William took such a liking to you. Hector, you didn't tell me the Rainlords were such smooth talkers."


'We're only that way towards people we like,' said Mevox. 'Sadly, our reputation elsewhere is not always so pleasant.'

"So I have heard," said Helen. "I have met several Sandlords in my day, so I must admit that I had perhaps allowed some of their opinions of you to color my own."  

'Ah,' said Mevox. 'Yeah. Historically speaking, we have what you might call a love-hate relationship with those guys.'

And the Queen's smile diminished somewhat. "I can only imagine how you must feel about the news of current circumstances." 


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