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More than anything, though, Hector was worried about Asad. He had of course tried to call the guy, but unsurprisingly, the Lord Najir had not answered him. Hector hoped he was jut too busy with evacuations or something.

He desperately wanted to contact Rasalased again and perhaps learn something useful, but the Dry God had not appeared before him.

Which was baffling, quite frankly. How in the world could the conquest of the Sandlords' territory not be something that Rasalased wanted to talk to him about? Even assuming that Rasalased hadn't seen it coming, surely he would still want to discuss it now, right?

There must've been something else going on. Either he was doing something wrong himself, or there was more to Sair's conquest than there appeared to be.

Or Rasalased was just being incredibly callous, but Hector sincerely doubted that. If nothing else, he'd seemed much too interested in meeting Asad for that to be the case.

He voiced these concerns privately to Garovel, and the reaper seemed to be of the opinion that there was indeed something strange going on.

'Morgunov's presence there alone makes that a virtual certainty,' said Garovel in the echo of privacy. 'I doubt he would make a move just because he wanted to conquer some land. He's got some kind of plan for Sair, I'm sure.'

'Hmm. Think Rasalased might know what it is?'

'It's possible. But this is an emperor we're talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if Morgunov had some kind of protection against Rasalased's sight. You might recall that Rasalased wasn't able to discern exactly who the "shadow" following Emiliana Elroy was.'

Hector tried to think back and was struggling to. 'Shadow?'

'Back when we all met Rasalased, remember? He warned Emiliana that she was being followed.'

'Oh yeah... and then later, that shadow turned out to be Gohvis.'



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