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One of the machines moved suddenly, grabbing hold of Asad with a pair of metal tentacles and carrying him over to Morgunov.

And as Parson looked at Asad again, saw his blindfold again, a question occurred to him.

Why was Asad Najir the only one with a blindfold?

Off the top of his head, a couple of different answers came to mind, but before he could delve to deeply into either, Morgunov caught him staring and must've noticed something in his expression.

"Hmm," said the Mad Demon. "What's the matter, Parsey Boy? You wanna watch? Bet you do, huh? Deep down, I mean. You Vannies are horribly repressed, aren't you? Especially you company men. Gotta 'fight the good fight,' and all that, right? Never can just sit back and enjoy your own Void-given abilities for what they're really best at. No, no, you have to pretend you don't enjoy that part. Wouldn't want anyone think you've grown psychotic and bloodthirsty over the years, oh no. You only resort to such measures when it's absolutely, one hundred percent unavoidable, am I right? Of course I'm right, eheh."

What a sick bastard.

But Parson did want to see what Morgunov was going to do Asad. He still wasn't entirely sure what the Demon's interest in him was or how Asad was supposed to help him obtain the "power of a god."

Should he actually respond, though? Parson felt like saying that yes, he did want to watch would just encourage Morgunov to leave him behind.

So he merely remained quiet.

"Eheh, alright, c'mere ya little rascal! But don't say Papa Morgunov never did anything for ya!"

A second machine scooped Parson up like a loaf of bread, and then they were off.

Morgunov made his way back toward the workbenches while the robots followed. They didn't stop there, however. They kept going, headed through a wide tunnel in the hangar wall, and eventually arrived at an entirely different chamber.

Full of black, metal cages. And giant vats of some pale, bubbling substance. 


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