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That was one of things that Asad and the other senior warriors had been making sure to emphasize when making their rounds. The management of the defensive line's observational systems was key in the battle--and indeed, in the war. If they allowed Abolish to infiltrate their land again, then they might not be able to recover from that problem a second time.

To that end, Haqq had proved very helpful. Many of the new traps they were using were based on his designs. Some were quite simple and even non-lethal, like the Jamal-3, which was a sound-triggered paint-thrower, designed to be used in conjunction with scouts and snipers.

Others, however, were quite deadly indeed. The Kubra-4 was sound-triggered explosive using soul-infused materials. An average servant caught in the blast radius would be reduced a red mist, and even an older one would have a hard time living through it with passive soul defense alone.

Haqq was already at work on the Kubra-5, which he claimed would be even more powerful, despite the fact that they still had plenty of Kubra-4s waiting to be used. Their deadliness was precisely why they hadn't seen much action yet. The audio-based trigger meant that a snake could slither too close, and then suddenly an entire sand dune would be removed from this plane of existence.

They did make for one hell of a deterrent, though. Asad had a couple Kubra-4s in the very bunker. He hadn't received advisement to use them yet, but he did have the authority to do so whenever he wished.

Right now, though, his mind was leaning more toward the long-range artillery that he had in stock. Those were older and not Haqq's designs, but with a bit of soul-infusion, they would pack plenty of wallop. He ordered one of the scouts to go fetch some mortars and shells, just in case.


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