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'Know anybody who might fit the bill?' said Voreese.

'Maybe,' said Garovel. 'We should be extra careful who we ask, though. I think trustworthiness is an even more important qualifying factor than skillfulness. Something like this could attract the wrong sort of attention, if word gets out.'

'You're right about that.'

"Would you mind telling us what a Fusion Forge is?" said Hanton.

'Oh yeah, sorry,' said Garovel. 'Put simply, a Fusion Forge is something that, historically, can only be created by an extremely powerful integration user. It's a kind of super-advanced tool for them, used to combine materials--even soul-infused ones.'

'We're talkin' like emperor-level strength requirements here,' said Voreese. 'Less powerful integrators might still be able to make use of a Forge, but they can't create one.'

'And even then, it can still be dangerous,' said Garovel. 'If you don't know what you're doing with this thing, then you're liable to kill not only yourself but also your reaper, too.'

"Oh, good," said Roman dryly.

'This is a fantastic find,' said Garovel, 'but it won't be easy to actually get any use out of it. Especially if it's broken, which I suspect it is.'

"I see," said Hanton, eyeing the glass Forge anew. "So then... not to put too fine a point on it, but what would you say is the bottom line here? Do you believe this object is worth accepting Lorent's offer and possibly irritating the Queen?"

Everyone looked to Garovel, who fell quiet for a time, deliberating.

'...Yes, I do believe that,' the reaper said. 'This thing is so valuable that, even if it doesn't work, it's STILL worth it. Just the idea that we might be able to fix it SOMEDAY would be enough.'

Hanton nodded. "In that case, I'm sure the Queen will understand."


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