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'I agree in sentiment. Problem is, like I said, I've seen servants change dramatically before. And they're not always as receptive to a calm discussion about these types of things as you are.' And a beat passed. 'Plus, it was an opportunity to mess with you a little bit. Can't very well pass that up, now can I?'

'I don't know, Garovel. They say the key to any healthy relationship is communication.'

'Oh, shut up,' laughed Garovel.

Which made Hector snicker, too. 'But if I shut up, how will we healthily communicate?'

'I'll just tell you what to do, and then you'll do it. How about that? Nice and simple.'


Finally, the bark cracked enough, and a sizable chunk of it came free. From there, Hector was able to use his gauntleted hands to gain leverage over the rest and pull it off with only his normal strength.

'Someone is approaching,' said Hanton. 'From the sky. A servant and reaper.'

Hector tensed and focused on the Scarf, but whoever it was hadn't entered its range yet.

After a few more moments of uncertainty, Garovel clicked his nonexistent tongue. 'I wish you hadn't warned him about that.'

'What?' said Hanton. 'Why?'

'Nevermind,' said Garovel. 'The ones approaching aren't a threat. We can relax.'

A servant approaching from the air? And not a threat? There were a number of people Hector knew who fit that description, but if Garovel wanted it to be another surprise or whatever, then that was fine. He focused on the door in front of him.

The cylindrical doorknob didn't turn at all, at first he thought it might be broken, but then he realized that no, it wasn't designed to turn. It was really just a handle. He pulled, but it still resisted. With the Scarf, he was able to sense multiple beams pressed lengthwise against the other side of the door.


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