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Emiliana growled with exasperation and scratched her eyebrow. "If you're so concerned about humanity's long-term survival, then how can you ally yourself with Abolish? They're actively working against humanity's short-term survival!"

"Mm. The answer to that is more complicated."

"Oh, is it?! Well, I'm all ears!"

"Part of the answer, I mentioned before. I acknowledge that my solution may be wrong, that it may simply be impossible to achieve the kind of change in human nature that I am looking for. And if that is the case, if I am wrong, then Abolish's solution may be the only thing left that will save the universe from humanity."

Emiliana put her face in both hands and sighed. Hearing all of this, she didn't know what else she had expected. She wanted to keep arguing, but this was starting to give her a headache.

"And the other part of the answer," said Gohvis, "is that my plan does not require humanity as we know it to survive. It is debatable that mutants should even be considered human in the first place."

She blinked and looked at him again with incredulity. "Are you saying that you think Abolish will spare our kind?"

"Oh, of course not," said Gohvis. "If it ever came to that, and only mutants remained, I am sure that the true zealots of Abolish would consider us a final obstacle to the fulfillment of their dream."

"Then I don't understand. What would you do in that case?"

Gohvis just stared at her for a moment. "Kill them." His flat voice sounded so utterly unconcerned by that prospect that Emiliana couldn't help being taken aback a little.

"...You're confident you would be able to?" she said, fully realizing that she was probably starting to push her luck now.

Gohvis made no response, however.


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