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Hector took precautions. He instantly made soul-empowered iron suits for everyone, and pulled Garovel close to him in an iron orb, informing the reaper of the situation privately.

Everyone else was surprised as well, especially as some of them were still eating, and a sudden iron helmet didn't make that task easier. But thankfully, Hector didn't have to explain what was going on, because the cause revealed himself.

'There is no need for that,' arrived Hanton's voice. His avian visage melted out of thin air--or appeared to, at least--as his enormous talons touched down on a large gray boulder mere meters away from Hector and Lynn. 'I assure you, I come in peace.'

"Happy to hear it," said Hector. "But peace isn't maintained through goodwill alone."

That left a momentary silence in its wake.

Hanton's beady eyes moved to the group of onlookers farther away. 'King William. I assume that the Lord Goffe already informed you of my true nature the other day. I hope my appearance does not come as too much of a shock to you.'

The King was already stepping closer, apparently unafraid. "I would be lying if I said it set my heart at ease, but nonetheless, I am glad to see you here now."

'Alas, I fear we have much more to discuss now than me and my family.'

"You're right." The King pulled back the faceguard of his helmet. "Come. Join us while we finish eating."

'I will. Thank you.'

From there, the meeting became a bit less tense than the first one with Hanton, but Hector remained on edge. Clearly, the King wanted to be diplomatic here, and that was great, but Hector still didn't know the full limit of what Hanton might be capable of. If Sparrows could pause people in their tracks and wipe their memories, there was no telling what other ways they could manipulate minds.

He earnestly hoped that Hanton could be trusted, but he intended to remain vigilant as he listened to their conversation.



When will the last chapter come out as a full post?

Lonez Zhavec

there was no telling what other(s) ways they could manipulate minds. He earnestly hoped that Hanton could be trusted, but (he?) intended to remain vigilant as he listened to their conversation. 


Aw shit, I forgot about that. I'll have it up by midnight tonight. Thanks for reminding me.


Just rereading, and I think this line needs a second look-- "Everyone else was surprised as well, especially [as] some were still eating,"