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Again, Hanton fell briefly quiet. "I am not seeking a fight here, Lord Goffe."

"Neither am I. You're the one taking hostages."

"I told you that I do not intend to harm them."

"And you've already lied to me once."

"You misunderstand. I am only concerned with keeping the presence of my family a secret. We have no quarrel with you. We are a peaceful flock. We merely wish to be left alone."

Hector took his time considering his next words. If that was really true, then what about the trail of poisonings that had led him here? Should he bring that up now?

He felt like he'd gained ground in the conversation, but he also didn't want to push his luck while everyone was still locked in some sort of... mind prison or whatever the hell it was.

"Okay," Hector said slowly, "but if secrecy is so important to you... then why are you one of the most famous families in the country?"

"The degree of privacy we require is not something that can be obtained without considerable wealth. And wealth, unfortunately, is accompanied by notoriety--and in the case of my ancestors, noble lineage as well."

Ancestors, huh? Hector didn't know if he could trust that new sliver of information, but he took note of it nonetheless. "...And what is the reason you require that much privacy?"

Hanton deliberated for another moment. Then he exhaled a long breath. "It seems that if we are to resolve this situation without violence, then I must show you the truth." His expression darkened. "But I warn you, Hector Goffe: if word of what you are about to see ever reaches the outside world, then I will hunt you down and extract my toll--if not from you, then from those you care about. There will be no place in this world that is safe from me. Any pain that I suffer as a result of your indiscretion in this matter, I will visit upon you tenfold. This, I vow."

Well, goddamn. Hector wasn't sure what to say to that.


John Smith

Another Near Human Race?


A reaper village?


It's the birds isn't it? Magic GD birds


Yep: "We are a peaceful flock." Maybe they see Reapers as cats... They also may be invested in the gambling business: http://www.gaola.net/


Some kind of Birdman?


So I just remembered that Couriers exist. A secretive race of supernatural mummy guys with mysterious powers who can appear out of thin air and are only tangible when they want to be. Historically, the animals best suited to carrying messages are birds so... is this a nest of Couriers?

Lonez Zhavec

So let me get this straight. He has Warrenhold which grants him access to the undercrust and it’s potential from riches to other unknown secrets, an army of Rainlords as his allies, that Uber powerful servant from the undercrust, and now if he gets the alliance with Gaolanet with their amnesia powers, the things they could do for Atrea and the whole world. I’m so excited for the potential and he direction this story is going! And oh, he has his Darksteel Bank too!