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With as much as he'd been talking to the King in the past two days, Hector probably knew him better than she did now.

...Wait, really?


Was that a testament to just how much Hector had been talking to the King? Or a testament to how much she hadn't been?

Probably both.

Regardless, it bothered her.

When everyone was having breakfast together, Lynnette saw her opportunity. While the King was engrossed in a conversation with a giant Rainlord, she grabbed Hector by the arm and pulled him aside.

"I need to ask you something," she whispered. "Has His Highness told you anything about why he decided to extend his stay here?"

Hector's eyes looked like they were trying to escape from his head.

Lynnette was just confused. "What's wrong?"

Hector didn't say anything. His gaze went to her hands, which were still holding his arm.

She took the hint and decided to remove them. "Ah... Sorry, do you not like to be touched?"

Still, he remained silent, though at least the expression on his face had returned to normal.

She honestly had no idea what he was thinking at all, anymore. Had his poker face evolved since he'd been out of the country? Granted, she'd never really been the best at reading people's emotions, but she at least recalled being able to tell when he was uncomfortable before.

"Hector?" she prodded. "Did you hear what I asked?"

"...The King," said Hector.

And that was it, apparently.

"Yes," she said slowly, nodding her head. "Did you hear the rest of what I asked you?"

Hector just looked at her a moment. Then he shook his head.

Lynnette took a deep breath. "His Highness. Did he tell you why he decided to extend his stay here? At Warrenhold?"

There arrived more silence as Hector stared at her blankly again.

She was trying to be patient and not succeeding. "Hector..."



This is too funny, good ol Hector.


I missed this Hector


Hector.exe has broken down and requires rebooting, please standby Thx for the page


I'm having deja vu. Has this chapter been posted accidently once before a year ago ?

Nathaniel Green

All I can hear is Garovel dying. Dying of laughter. I'm sure it's not helping Hector right now. I love it


Living Lynn's POV. And oh, sweet Hector. I hope none of the Rain lord's are seeing this, all of his aloof charm would be melted away...

John Smith

I would caution Lynn about being too familiar around Hector but it is funny seeing from someone else prospective


That's so unfair, I wanted the Hector side of this conversation, I imagine it would involve a bit of internal screaming :(


Ah you can almost taste his mental anguish. Delicious.


Been a while since we've seen him this shy. Fun fun fun :D


I hate that in moments like this, that i find myself relating to Hector


seeing Hector from Lynn's perspective is hilarious 😂