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"Yeah, that sounds pretty accurate," said Luciana.

"You forgot the part where Benjamin slays a dozen enemy servants while carrying the children to safety," said Elise.

"That definitely didn't happen," said Carlos.

"It definitely did," said Elise.

"How could he possibly have carried thirteen children at once?" said Carlos, still laughing.

"Easily," said Elise, glancing toward Hector. "A powerful enough materializer wouldn't even need to use his hands for something like that."

"Yeah, but as far as we know, he wasn't a materializer," said Carlos.

"Then, whatever, maybe he didn't physically carry them," said Luciana. "Maybe he just cleared a path while they all ran together. Doesn't stop it from being any less amazing."

"I'm not trying saying it wasn't amazing," said Carlos. "Just a bit exaggerated, perhaps. It's also quite unlikely those thirteen children were genuinely the last of all our brethren. We have reason to believe that there were a few of us scattered elsewhere across the continent at that time."

Luciana bumped shoulders with him. "Oh, shut up, Carlos," she laughed.

"Yes, stop trying to spoil such a wonderful story," added Elise.

Carlos just shook his head and popped a couple grapes in his mouth.

"I see," said King William. "So the veracity is somewhat contested, then."

"Don't listen to him!" said Luciana. "If anything, I bet the story is underselling what really happened!"

The argument continued on for a little while longer, though everyone involved remained in good cheer. Soon, Hector and the King moved on to another table, then another, followed by still more after that.

Growing up, Hector had never really understood why so many people seemed to enjoy going to parties. To him, they were always horrible, nerve-wracking affairs where the only thing he wanted to do was not draw attention to himself. Even the Gala, despite how much he'd managed to enjoy it, had ultimately felt that way for him.

But this?

This was just pure fun.


Dmitriy Zaslavsky

Yeah, the thing about parties is that you have fun only when you consider yourself as a part of it and others don't mind that.


"Soon, the Hector and the King moved on..." I don't think "the Hector" is quite that famous yet!


I have a general question about the Story. Can someone tell me where i can ask these question?(sorry not a native english speaker/writer). Thanks alot


I’ve come to realize that whenever something sweat happens too, or Hector has genuine character growth I refer to him as ‘my sweet little baby Hector’ (followed by ‘is growing up) and I just want to know: Am I alone in this? Cause I don’t think I am but it strikesme as something odd this morning


Just about anywhere is fine, but I don't get notifications for a "reply to a reply" here on Patreon. So like if you reply to this very comment, I won't get a notification for it. Which is annoying, but that's Patreon for you. If you make a brand new comment, though, not a reply, then I'll see it easily. You can also just send me a private message, as well. And there's this page on the main site: https://thezombieknight.blogspot.com/2013/04/general-comments.html


Thank you for your prompt reply. I've been thinking a little bit about the story the last few days and how the fusion-form works like pan forma etc. and how the servant and reaper share their knowledge. If we take Nere blackburn and her reaper as an example for knowledge sharing and how they can “see” everything the other part did in the past, then it should be possible for reapers that had many servants that lived long enough to fuse with them to “get” their knowledge and tricks about their power. For example should leo´s reaper (don’t know the name) know how Leo does his traps as materializier and so on. Garovel is over 3000 years old and wouldn’t there be a possibility that he had a materializier servant that was old enough for a pan-form to get his/her juicy knowledge? Or Voreese with her servant that built Warrenhold. She said that she didn’t knew how she did the anti-pest-control as an integration user but did they never fuse? I got many more question but maybe i´m totally asking bullshit and it´s explained somewhere. Again, sorry for my poor English skills…Thanks alot


I'm not too sure myself but I think the reaper has to look actively to find information during the merge. For example we know that Overra looked into Parsons a lot to evaluate his suitability for her plans. So then I would say that Voreese didn't look for that information particularly. There could have been more pressing things to deal with. However some reapers would possibly do this and be font of knowledge, Garovel is a good example I feel.