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Chapter Two Hundred Ten: 'O, engrossing revelry...'

It wasn't nearly as luxurious as the Gala had been, but Hector didn't mind one bit. If anything, that level of opulence in his own home probably would've just made him uncomfortable. Good food and smiling faces--that was all Hector was looking for here.

And he got it.

Hector hadn't seen so many Rainlords laughing in one place since that visit to Luzo, just prior to the Siege of Marshrock. There had been quite a bit of merriment in their camp, thanks in large part to the Lord Salvador Delaguna. That giant man's boisterous laugh had been positively infectious.

Then the Blackburns had joined their entourage, and the tension between them and all the other Houses seemed to take precedence over everything else as they'd made their way to Dunehall. And then, of course, after being ambushed there and suffering so many horrible losses, the Rainlords as a whole had been in a seemingly constant state of grief, even while gritting their teeth and soldiering on.

So it was particularly good to hear Salvador laughing again. It wasn't as loud or as frequent as Hector remembered, but it was more than enough to help spread the cheer to the others in the banquet hall.

The Grand Hall of the Night, as it was apparently named according to Voreese, was the single largest chamber in the entirety of Warrenhold, and as its name suggested, it resided within the Tower of Night. It had become something of a "common area" for people to gather during lunch or dinner, but never had Hector seen it so packed like this.

Some people were eating outside in the main plaza or in one of the other tower's banquet halls, but Hector saw just about everyone present.



Where is chapter 209 all put together?


Edit: oh you meant all in one post. I'm not too sure on that one. The second best thing is using the tags. If on Desktop you can click the tags with the chapter. Link to it: https://www.patreon.com/georgemfrost/posts?tag=Chapter%20209