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When Leo saw him approaching, the man smiled and stood up. He hardly even glanced at the four other men following closely behind Hector.

"Whew!" Leo shuffled quickly closer and offered Hector a handshake. "You're not late, but all the same, I was beginning to worry you wouldn't show!"

Hector saw no reason to be impolite. He took the handshake. "You clean up well, Leo."

"Oh! Aha! Yeah, thanks! Figured I should try 'n make myself presentable, y'know. Demonstrate my conviction 'n whatnot."

"I appreciate it," said Hector. He motioned to the men behind him. "I believe you've already encountered almost everyone here, but... I suppose introductions are in order. Matteo, Roman, Diego, and Melchor."

Melchor stepped up next to Hector but said nothing, only folded his arms. Orric clung to his back.

"Heh, yeah, uh." Leo offered Melchor a handshake now.

Melchor just looked at it, then at Hector.

Hector gave the man a small nod.

Thankfully, Melchor decided to take the handshake.

They had all discussed at length how they should conduct themselves in front of Leo. Everyone here had agreed to play along with the tale of Hector being the leader of the Rainlords.

Hector had been surprised when Melchor volunteered to join him for this meeting. He'd wanted to ask the man to come along anyway, but he hadn't expected such enthusiasm from him. It had worried Hector, at first, because he thought Melchor might be hoping to enact some manner of revenge on Leo, but as they'd discussed their plans more, it seemed like Melchor was mostly just concerned with ensuring Hector's safety.

Which was flattering, to say the least--not to mention comforting. Having Darktide, of all people, watching out for him? That was arguably the main reason why Hector was able to feel relatively calm, right now.


John Smith

Good old darktide\


I don't think Leo ever met Diego, since he was with Hector when they got to Himmekel


He wanted to ask the man to come along anyway Ensuring hectors saftey


That was arguably the main reaosn why Hector was able to feel relatively calm, right now. 

Newguy Roy

He'd wanted to ask the man to come along anyawy, but he hadn't expected such enthusiasm from the man. --&gt; "the man" twice. Not a mistake but feels superfluous


"reason" is misspelled at the end.