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'So do you still think I should tell the Rainlords what I know about Parson?' said Garovel.

'I don't know. Didn't you say you had a means of contacting him?'

'Heh, well, I'm not sure I should burden you with that knowledge, Hector.'

'Oh, but it's okay to burden me all this other shit?'

'Well, yeah. You're my servant. You're supposed to help me carry things. Physically and psychologically.'

Hector just shook his head and sighed.

'If I tell you how we might be able to contact Parson, then you could go behind my back and tell the Rainlords without my approval.'

'...I wouldn't do that, Garovel.'

'I believe you, but I still think it's better not to put you in that position in the first place.'

'I mean, I'm kind of in that position already, aren't I? I could still go to the Rainlords with what you've told me, and they'd be super pissed at you.'

'Yes, they would. They might even try to torture it out of me. Do you want them to torture me?'

'...How bad would this torture be, exactly?'


'I'm kidding. Obviously, I don't want anyone to hurt you, Garovel. But I highly doubt that the Rainlords would do anything like that.'

'You really have a lot of faith in them, don't you?'

'You don't? I mean, we've... we've literally been through hell together.'

The reaper gave a mild laugh. 'You make a fair point.'

'And if they somehow end up finding out later that you had this information all along, they'll hate your fucking guts for it, Garovel. And mine, too, probably.'

'Tch, you might be right.'

Hector gave a fake gasp. 'Holy shit, are you actually listening to me for once?'

'Excuse me, but I listen to you all the time. In fact, that's probably why we keep getting mixed up in so much crazy shit.'

'No, that's definitely your fault.'

'Agree to disagree.'



This is adorable.