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Once he was back in his room and alone with Garovel, Hector flopped onto his bed. His body and his mind felt equally exhausted after such a long day of training, meetings, and constant anxiety.

'Sentsia sure surprised me today,' said Garovel privately.

Hector didn't bother to open his eyes, but he knew what the reaper meant. 'Yeah...'

'I've hardly ever heard her speak, but she seemed quite full of ideas and the motivation to make them heard,' said Garovel. 'I wonder what changed.'

Hector was only half-listening now. 'Hmm.'

'Maybe she's grown comfortable around us to come out of her shell a bit.'


'It's good, whatever it is. We'll need that kind of fire, moving forward.'


'Are you even paying attention to me, right now?'

'Yeah, of course I am.'

'So you think it'd be a good idea to make Leo the principal of this new academy the Rainlords were talking about, then?'

'Mm...' With effort, Hector's eyes unbolted themselves slightly, and he propped himself up on his elbows to look at Garovel. 'The fuck...?'

'Just checking,' said Garovel. 'You know I don't like it when you ignore me.'

'And you know I don't like it when you start spouting bullshit.'

'Heh. Well, in the event that our current plan for Leo doesn't pan out, it wouldn't hurt to have a backup strategy or two.'


'Obviously, I don't think he would be suited to being a principal, but then again, I'm not sure he'd settle for a job that doesn't carry with it a sense of importance.'

'Yeah, and I'm sure the Rainlords would just love that...'

'You seem surprisingly relaxed,' said Garovel. 'I thought you'd be more nervous for the meeting with Leo tomorrow.'

'I've been nervous all day long. I'm tired of it.'

'Well, that's one way to look at it, I guess. Want me to knock you out?'

'Don't think you'll need to...'

'Already drifting off, huh?'




This is almost adorable.

John Smith

Not sure where Senstia is going with this grand plan but an interesting start to set up an education system.


With Leo as the principal of a Rainlord Academy you've got he perfect setting for a Shonen Manga.


Leo for secretary!