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She really needed to get some rest. Heh, maybe she should try to sleep and meditate at the same time. That would be helpful.

'You look like hell,' said Chergoa. 'Still haven't been sleeping well?'


'So that herbal tea I told you to make didn't work?'

She gave a mild laugh. "I'm afraid not."

'Tsk. I knew that recipe was horseshit. I'm sorry, Em.'

"It's not like it's your fault."

'Have the nightmares changed, at least?'

"I don't think so. It is all a bit murky. It can start normally enough,perfectly pleasant, but it always ends with that weird... starfish monster. Screeching at me." She grimaced a little, just recalling thehorrible image.

'Well, that sucks. If it gets any worse--holy shit!'

Emiliana turned to see what Chergoa was reacting to, only to flinch when she saw Gohvis' hulking figure standing there again.

"What were you talking about, just now?" the Monster said with his two voices.

Hadn't he gone off to--? Wait, where had he gone? And why was he back?

'Would you mind not scaring the crap out of us like that?' said Chergoa. 'You just left. Why did you come back so soon?'

"I happened to overhear your conversation," said Gohvis. "Or I thought Idid, at least, and it interested me. Mind repeating what you were saying?"

"Uh..." It took Emiliana a second to find her words. "I've... been having nightmares?"

"Mm. About what?"

"A... er... some kind of starfish thing?"

"And these have been preventing you from sleeping soundly?"


"I see." He turned and started walking away again.

Emiliana stood up. "Where are you going now?"

"Return to your quarters and sleep. But don't forget your meditations first."

She was getting really sick of all these unanswered questions. "No.Wherever you're going, I'm going, too." She ran to catch up with him.



“No.  Wherever you're going, I'm going to” To -&gt; too? Looks like it’s Papa Ghovis to the rescue


see what Chergoa [was] reacting to. - Also looks like a few double spaces got in there as well Also screaming starfish monster? wtf? Maybe indicating which direction her mutation is gonna take?


"Or I thought I did, at least, and [it] interested me."