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<< Previous Page || full Chapter 196 link

‘Really?’ said Chergoa. ‘Who?’

Gohvis didn’t answer. Instead, he asked, “How did an aberration come to be among the Rainlords?”

Emiliana had no idea how to answer that and so looked to her reaper.

‘We’re not sure,’ was all she said.


There arrived an uncomfortable silence before Gohvis picked the conversation back up again.

“Do either of you know how aberrations are created?” he asked.

‘No,’ said Chergoa for the both of them.

And again, Gohvis fell silent.

‘Well? Aren’t you going to dispel our ignorance for us?’


Emiliana saw the reaper’s wispy face twist a little.

Gohvis stood. “I shall leave you to your studies. Make sure you meditate before you fall asleep.” And without waiting for a response, he walked away, silent as a shadow.

‘That guy can be a real prick when he wants to,’ said Chergoa with privacy.

Emiliana could hardly disagree, but it was hard for her to dislike him too much, given everything he had done for her so far. Even if she was here against her will, a rather large part of her felt like she was probably better off in Gohvis’ care--for the time being, at least.

Before coming here, she’d been terrified of her mutation power. But now? Now, she at least had a grip on it, and that was entirely thanks to Gohvis. He had been personally instructing her in how to safely tap into and moderate her ability.

The key, she had learned, was in the passively “building” nature of mutation. If she went too long without activating it, then it would eventually activate on its own, causing uncontrolled changes to her body. Previously, she had thought that the only way to cope with this problem was to use her ability in small, hopefully harmless ways in order to alleviate the buildup so that it could never activate on its own, but Gohvis had been teaching her a better, albeit more difficult, strategy.



Still can't read Gohvis at all. Thanks for the pages today !


Hmm... He does somehow remind me of Damien...