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She hadn’t forgotten Germal’s warning to her regarding the “honey trap” nature of the Library of Erudition, but according to Gohvis, as long as she followed the Library’s rules, she would be fine. And she was being careful.

But there were other things to do besides read books all day. There was an impressive kitchen on the first floor where a few of Gohvis’ followers had offered to instruct in her the culinary arts. Which was actually quite tempting, honestly. She had no idea how in the world these people managed to keep their food stores so well-stocked, but the skills of the chefs here were undeniable. Virtually every meal she’d had in this place had been an utter delight, and just thinking about next one was beginning to make her mouth water.

Aside from learning to cook, however, there was also the underground training facility where she’d seen people honing various combat abilities. She had yet to even ask if she was allowed to partake in any combat training, but she did plan to give it a go, eventually.

There was also a game room on the second floor, though she hadn’t actually seen anyone using it yet. She might’ve liked to play someone in chess or pool or even foosball, but without any opponents, that didn’t seem like it was going to happen. Maybe she just hadn’t visited that room at the right time of day yet, but she wasn’t getting her hopes up. These people belonged to the Dozer-half of Abolish, after all. She was frankly amazed that this place even had a game room.

All-in-all, this was a strange manner of captivity. So far, she and Chergoa had been free to roam around the building as they pleased, talk to whomever they desired, and seemingly do whatever they wanted.

Except leave, of course. Not that there was any chance of that, what with the Dáinnbolg raging endlessly beyond the Library’s walls.



I'm really curious what you plan to do with Emiliana. So far I get the feeling that she serves as Hector's opposite, in a yin yang sort of way. Hector has a really straightforward ability, as far as abilities go iron manipulation is about as standard as you get, and Emiliana is a mutator, probably the most difficult ability to have, at least that seems to be the case early on. Mutators have the hardest time of it in the beginning, but once they get a feel for it, I don't think it's the hardest thing in the world to get some pretty complex stuff. Manipulation, on the other hand, seems to have a steep learning curve once you need to start moving things in ways that aren't straight lines. Emiliana has an extensive family and is extremely tied to them, but if anything she wants to become more independent from them. Hector has very little connection with his family, which is very small to Emiliana's twisting family tree, and one of his biggest personal, long term goals is to improve that relationship. Hector is loosely aligned with the Vanguard, if he had to pick one, and from the way things are going Emiliana is loosely aligned with Abolish in the same, shaky way. Hector is delaying his education, Emiliana is diving headfirst into it. Hector is very independent and working his way into becoming one of the players of the game despite not really wanting to, Emiliana is very dependent on Gohvis and is on her way to becoming a figure behind the scenes despite not really wanting to, and both of their roles are opposite to what their background would suggest. Not to mention the fact that their reapers are siblings and Hector has canonically stated that he feels oddly tied with her and they've got the tied destiny thing from the Rasalased shards.