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Truth be told, he very much wanted Amelia to be there, too, but he still remembered his own reasoning for wanting to meet her family. He wanted to know more about her. If he was going to put this woman at the helm of the largest bank in the country, potentially, then he wanted to have a better measure of her as a person.

So maybe, in this case, going against his more fearful instinct and talking to the man without her would better help him achieve that end.

Plus, he would still have Garovel with him, so it wasn’t he’d be entirely on his own.


“...I’ll talk to him by myself,” he told her, “but I’d like you there for all the other meetings.”

She frowned but nodded. “Very well.”

They went through more names after that and began forming a list. They didn’t get very far into it, considering how many names there were in total, but it would be enough for tonight. They gave their list to the palace staff so as to help with organization, and then Hector was off to go meet the Lord Lionel Carthrace.

En route, however, a man in glasses came up to him.

“Lord Goffe,” the stranger said, “it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Ah--” Hector wasn’t quite sure what to say. This didn’t feel quite right. They were in a hall, and one of the palace staff had been in the middle of guiding him to a more private location where he could have his meeting. Who was this random guy?

“My name is Matthew Elias.” The guy whipped out a pen and notepad. “Would you mind if I asked you a few quick questions, sir?”

Oh, shit.

‘Careful,’ warned Garovel privately.

next page



Did you just create Rita Skeeter ? Also, are you okay ? You seem to have slowed down the releases the past few days


This cliffhanger is brutal.


My personal guess for this new Frost-Lag is that Frost has so many things that the reporter could and would ambush Hector about that could seriously affect the direction of the immanent plot that he is spoiled for choice and having trouble deciding WHICH he will choose that will serve the story best.