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Both men returned a solemn nod, still looking rather defeated.

Aw, geez. Even after saying all that, how exactly was he supposed to help these people?

‘We need more information,’ said Garovel privately.

All of their reapers were also present. Hector had invited everyone to discuss the matter in his bedroom. There was a conference chamber one floor above that he had been using pretty frequently, but Hector hadn’t wanted this meeting to feel quite as formal as the ones in that chamber had begun to feel.

It didn’t seem to be helping, though.

Garovel’s next words were public. ‘We would like you both to provide us with twice-weekly assessments of your houses’ interpersonal affairs.’

Hector’s eyes widened a little.

Mevox, Salvador’s reaper, was the first to respond. ‘Say what?’

‘I know it might be a hassle or even a bit controversial,’ said Garovel, ‘but I assure you that you can trust Hector and I to keep any sensitive information you share with us to ourselves. And this is a very important matter. Above all, Hector and I want Warrenhold to be a place where everyone who comes here can have a reasonable expectation of safety. You must understand. Anything which might jeopardize that... well, that’s just not something we can ignore, even if it inconveniences you for a while.’

Mevox opened his skeletal mouth but no words came out.

‘And I do apologize for the imposition,’ Garovel went on, ‘but it is my hope that these reports will help us come to grips with this problem before it gets out of hand. It’s imperative that we identify the cause of all this before taking any other kind of action which might make things worse.’

With the way Garovel was talking, it didn’t sound like he was leaving much room for discussion. It sounded like he was issuing an order, Hector thought. And he didn’t think the Rainlords would appreciate that.

There arrived an intermission of silence, presumably in which the other reapers and servants were discussing the matter privately.

Hector used the opportunity to ask Garovel a question of his own. ‘This is a little much, don’t you think? What if they say no?

‘They won’t.’

‘But what if they do.’

‘Then I guess you’ll have to show them who’s boss.’

Hector’s jaw clenched. ‘Garovel! I’m not their boss!’

‘You’re the Lord of Warrenhold, Hector. We’re in Warrenhold. You’re the boss.’

Argh. He wanted to argue, but there wasn’t time, because Mevox spoke up again.

‘We understand,’ the reaper said. ‘Assessments sound like a reasonable step to take.’

‘Yes,’ said Yovess. ‘We think so as well. Obviously, we know what the overall cause of these tensions is, given what happened in Sair, but I do think a closer look at the finer details with an objective third party such as yourselves might prove helpful. I would even go so far as to recommend this as something all of the houses should begin doing.’



Less of a typo and more of a suggestion, bi-weekly sounds like you mean once every two weeks whereas twice-weekly sounds like twice every week, though guessing leaves me thinking you meant the latter.


Also Hector has a fucking confrence room. In which he holds confrences. Hector confrences with people enough to need a room for it. The kid’s turned his glaring character flaw into a lordly demeanor. They grow up so fast man.

Nathaniel Green

I actually think Garovel literally means twice a week here. More than anyone else, Garovel has to understand how much he and Hector are walking a line here. Between Atreya/The Queen and his selfishness for Hector to have Allies, between the Vanguard and the Rainlords, between the Rainlord's being allies and the Rainlord's devolving into a scattered band of tribes annihilating Grey Rock (he even talks about this, obliquely, with Hector before the worms attacked the train), as well as the situation that Hector himself is in - stronger than normal, young and naive but principled and mature. There are so many plates he's watching and trying to help with that he is just pushing now to get habits formed. I think Parson and Garovel would get along, actually. Garovel often/always seems to have at least 1 backup going/multifaceted plan running - but that also means there is a lot that needs knowing.


'It’s imperative that we identify the cause of all this before take any other kind of action which might make things worse' - before we take? Before taking? Before you take? ??? What I mean is, something is missing here.


If you ask me, they're restless. They're fighting each other because they're stuck in hiding and can't focus their anger and frustration on the true culprits. Hector needs to start shepherding. Give them something to do. Something meaningful.