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However, the next time Parson, Damian, and Peter met, there was much less animosity. While Parson still couldn’t exactly say that he liked Damian, there was a degree of camaraderie between them. They had a common enemy in the girls now. And arguably the adults as well.

And so it was that they became a trio, of sorts, and spent their days scheming away, trying to come up with various ways of terrorizing the girls. One time, they gathered as many frogs as they could find and released them like a plague upon the girls’ most frequent haunts. No oneever knew who was responsible. Another time, they gathered up crickets. And still another time, they gathered up fleas.

They regretted that one, though, and resolved to start coming up with plans that didn’t involve animals.

They relied on Peter for a while, helping him to hone his craft as aliar. First, they tried to trick the girls into thinking that Peter was a prince. It didn’t work so well. Then they tried to convince the girls that the well on the south end of the village was haunted.

“By what?” one of the girls asked.

“By the ghost of Mad Man Morris!” said Peter.

“And who is that?”

“He was a lunatic and a murderer! He killed his whole family and laughed while he did it! They say he fell down the well and died, but you can still hear his moans at night!”

The girls didn’t believe them, of course. But they convinced them to visitthe well at night in order to prove their courage, at which point, Parson hadalready climbed into the well and was waiting for them. After a few timely moans of “agony,” the girls quickly decided to leave.

And the next day, they began to hear rumors of the ghost in the well.

It was all they could do to contain their pride and laughter.

That meager taste of success was all the motivation they needed to push themselves toward ever greater heights. Story after story, prank after prank, the trio began to grow rather infamous as troublemakers.

But by far, their most triumphant venture was when they covered Damian in sheep’s blood and told everyone--with the greatest of sincerity and commitment to their roles--that he’d been be mauled by a pack of wild coyotes.

They had the whole village in an uproar.

Of course, when everyone realized the truth, the Trio caught hell to a greater degree than they ever had before, but it was worth it, Parson felt. He’d never laughed so hard in his life or had so much fun.

In time, some of the other boys wanted to join their little gang, but itwas far too late for new members. The Trio were in agreement that theyshould keep things exactly the way they were.

The other boys didn’t take the rejection well, perhaps because the Trio lobbed curses and mud at them, and for a while thereafter, the Trio went to war with all the other boys in Trintol.


Newguy Roy

The girls don’t believe them, of course. But they convince them to visit the well at night to prove their courage, at which point, Parson had already climb [ed] into the well and was waiting for them. After a few timely moans of “agony,” the girls quickly decided to leave. --> the verb tense in this paragraph is inconsistent with what came before. Other paragraphs were all in the past, why isn't this one?

Newguy Roy

the trio caught hell to a degree more than they ever had before, --> this one feels awkward. Imo, "to a higher degree than ever before" would work better

Newguy Roy

He’d never laughed so hard in his laugh or had so much fun. --> in his life


It has been reveal that the recently declassified documents contain more candidates for the HALLS OF TYPO! "...they tried to trick the girls into think[ing] that Peter was a prince." missing the 'ing' on 'thinking'. "The girls /don’t\ believe them, of course." "But they convince[d] them to visit the well at night to prove their courage..." "...Parson had already climb[ed] into the well..." I think these parts here have the wrong tense, unless that was intended. "They had [the] whole village in an uproar." the word 'the' should be in there.