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Zeff was staring at him again, Hector noticed. Did he want to ask a question? If so, why wasn’t he saying anything? Maybe he was just waiting for an opening. The reapers were talking to each other again, so--

“You achieved emergence, didn’t you?” said Zeff.

All the reapers went quiet.

“...Yeah,” was all Hector could think to say.

“Good,” said the Lord Elroy. “We will test your new limits as soon as we have the space and opportunity to do so. In the meantime, how difficult are you finding it to maintain this... flying platform of yours?”

“Ah... it’s... kinda hard. It’s the same basic principle as the orbiting technique, but there are a lot more little things to account for. I feel like, maybe, a more aerodynamic shape than a simple platform could make things easier, but I’m not really sure. The added complexity might just screw everything up, instead.”

Zeff nodded. “Yes, perhaps it would. We can experiment with that when safety is not as great of a concern as it is now.”

“That’s what I was thinking.”

“But do you feel that you are already near the limit of your ability? Or do you think you can do more than this?”

A tough question. Hector took a few moments to try and take stock of himself. His concentration was divided again, he noticed. A split between maintaining the variable factors of the flight and simply considering Zeff’s words. Sure, the divide wasn’t difficult when compared to what he’d had to do during that worm fight, but after learning about his Focus, he was more mindful of the division in his thoughts than ever.

Which, in its own way, he supposed, was creating another divide, wasn’t it? Instead of splitting his attention in two, it was being split three ways now.

Kind of a waste, then, this third thing. But it was hard to get rid of, somehow. Agh.

“...No,” said Hector. “I don’t think this is all that close to my new limit. It’s tough, but I feel like it’s getting easier as I do it more.”

“Hmm.” Zeff folded his arms. “Let’s increase the difficulty, then. Try putting something in orbit around you, right now.”

Diego held up a hand. “Ah--do you think that’s really a good idea? Shouldn’t you guys save the training for later?”

Zeff regarded the Lord Redwater with a raised eyebrow. “Are you worried about safety? Because as has already been mentioned, we have not forgotten it.”

“Sure, but, c’mon, we just escaped the Undercrust and twenty-seven different brushes with death--at least, that’s what it felt like. Can’t you just take a moment to relax a little while we wait to arrive? You didn’t even sleep or eat anything while we were in Himmekel, did you?”

Zeff glowered. “You have little room to speak. Why were you and Yangera so exhausted when we found you in front of Malast, hmm?”

Diego opened his mouth but didn’t respond this time.



Would've posted this page earlier, but I had to sell one of my kidneys for a strawberry milkshake.


Is he going to talk about that item that ruined his sync with the reaper. Maybe if he can explain what he felt perhaps they can figure out a counter to it. Also, if they could replicate it perhaps it could become a training tool to reversly strengthen the sync. If you think about it there's no real way to train sync and can only grow older as a servant to improve, similar to just a child growing up without training, yet still becoming stronger when becoming adults. Perhaps if they could do it as training we won't have to wait a few decades to see Hector and Grovel fuse. Perhaps, and preferably for story balance, just a few years.


So I got a question - as I understand materialization, Hector isnt really moving the platform - he just keeps creating more of it forward will removing some off the back end, so how hasnt everyone fallen off? In this method there is nothing holding them on, or actually moving them, o as more is added to the front, wouldnt they just fall off the back end?

Dmitriy Zaslavsky

Yeah, they would, this looks like a escalator, so would need to move on to the front all the way, but I don't understand how he adds anything from above to keep it flying, because wouldn't they getting covered by iron he creates?


City Officials all agree that we have another candidate for the HALLS OF TYPO! "...the divide /the\ wasn’t difficult when..." the extra 'the' there is unnecessary.


A question: When a soul is released, can a reaper pick it back up again?


I asked the same question and I think the answer is no. When it's released its sent to the void like when a soul is carried over.