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Second page for today will go up at 9 PM. And what do you guys think of this format? Do you prefer just the regular Patreon text? Or this image-version? Basically, I just used a preview mode on the main site and then took a screenshot and cropped it. It wasn't really any more hassle for me than copy/pasting to Patreon's text editor, because Patreon's text editor really sucks pretty hard, so what do you think? Which one do you prefer? TELL ME, DAMMIT. Is harder to read? Is it better? Does it preserve the feeling of reading on the main site better? How does it look for you on whatever device you're using?


Patreon text for sure, just for scaling reasons mostly, I do prefer the regular sites font though


I prefer the plane Patreon text. This is harder to read and the change from white to black to white text is not my favorite.


Patreon text. Please.


6th paragraph, remove "it" from "...then it you're probably just going to leave me in the dust."


I could go either way. The black background white lettering does have the "feeling" from the main site, but black on white is easier for me to read. I will say that the ability to customize the display is a good motivator to buy the ebook (for those with disposable income). Not sure how that translates to Patreon though. I have seen some authors who post individual pages put up posts (link/image) with a full chapter/section once a chapter is complete. Makes for easier reading since it is in order (don't have to read posts from the bottom up).

Newguy Roy

About format, the image thing doesn't work, though I like white on black better. Also, thought of a way to give more incentive for patrons: post page by page here, but chapter by chapter on main site


This was hard to read on a phone.


Nah, I don't want to post chapter by chapter. One of the reasons I decided to post page by page in the first place was because I want my chapters to be variable in length. Some chapters are like 17 pages long, while others are only 5 or 6--and that would make for an irregular posting schedule. And the main reason I decided to go more heavily into Patreon was to help normalize my chaotic posting schedule. The specific "structure" of this system has really helped me to keep on top of things, I feel.


Also harder to correct from a phone - no copy-pasting. Error in the second to last paragraph, missing word 'the more he had counter its effects'. The more he had _to_ counter, maybe?